Lecture 12: Canonical Economic Models

You will learn how to solve two canonical economic models:

  1. The overlapping generations (OLG) model
  2. The Ramsey model

Main take-away: Hopefully inspiration to analyze such models on your own.

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

# plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12})

# models
from OLGModel import OLGModelClass
from RamseyModel import RamseyModelClass

1. OverLapping Generations (OLG) model

1.1 Model description

Time: Discrete and indexed by t{0,1,}t\in\{0,1,\dots\}.

Demographics: Population is constant. A life consists of two periods, young and old.

Households: As young a household supplies labor exogenously, Lt=1L_{t}=1, and earns a after tax wage (1τw)wt(1-\tau_w)w_{t}. Consumption as young and old are denoted by C1tC_{1t} and C2t+1C_{2t+1}. The after-tax return on saving is (1τr)rt+1(1-\tau_{r})r_{t+1}. Utility is

U=maxst[0,1]C1t1σ1σ+βC1t+11σ1σ,β>1,σ>0s.t.St=st(1τw)wtC1t=(1st)(1τw)wtC2t+1=(1+(1τr)rt+1)St\begin{aligned} U & =\max_{s_{t}\in[0,1]}\frac{C_{1t}^{1-\sigma}}{1-\sigma}+\beta\frac{C_{1t+1}^{1-\sigma}}{1-\sigma},\,\,\,\beta > -1, \sigma > 0\\ & \text{s.t.}\\ & S_{t}=s_{t}(1-\tau_{w})w_{t}\\ & C_{1t}=(1-s_{t})(1-\tau_{w})w_{t}\\ & C_{2t+1}=(1+(1-\tau_{r})r_{t+1})S_{t} \end{aligned}

The problem is formulated in terms of the saving rate st[0,1]s_t\in[0,1].

Firms: Firms rent capital Kt1K_{t-1} at the rental rate rtKr_{t}^{K}, and hires labor EtE_{t} at the wage rate wtw_{t}. Firms have access to the production function

Yt=F(Kt1,Et)=(αKt1θ+(1α)Etθ)1θ,θ>1,α(0,1)\begin{aligned} Y_{t}=F(K_{t-1},E_{t})=(\alpha K_{t-1}^{-\theta}+(1-\alpha)E_{t}^{-\theta})^{\frac{1}{-\theta}},\,\,\,\theta>-1,\alpha\in(0,1) \end{aligned}

Profits are

Πt=YtwtEtrtKKt1\begin{aligned} \Pi_{t}=Y_{t}-w_{t}E_{t}-r_{t}^{K}K_{t-1} \end{aligned}

Government: Choose public consumption, GtG_{t}, and tax rates τw[0,1]\tau_w \in [0,1] and τr[0,1]\tau_r \in [0,1]. Total tax revenue is

Tt=τrrt(Kt1+Bt1)+τwwt\begin{aligned} T_{t} &=\tau_r r_{t} (K_{t-1}+B_{t-1})+\tau_w w_{t} \end{aligned}

Government debt accumulates according to

Bt=(1+rtb)Bt1Tt+Gt\begin{aligned} B_{t} &=(1+r^b_{t})B_{t-1}-T_{t}+G_{t} \end{aligned}

A balanced budget implies Gt=TtrtBt1G_{t}=T_{t}-r_{t}B_{t-1}.

Capital: Depreciates with a rate of δ[0,1]\delta \in [0,1].


  1. Households maximize utility
  2. Firms maximize profits
  3. No-arbitrage between bonds and capital

  4. Labor market clears: Et=Lt=1E_{t}=L_{t}=1

  5. Goods market clears: Yt=C1t+C2t+Gt+ItY_{t}=C_{1t}+C_{2t}+G_{t}+I_{t}
  6. Asset market clears: St=Kt+BtS_{t}=K_{t}+B_{t}
  7. Capital follows its law of motion: Kt=(1δ)Kt1+ItK_{t}=(1-\delta)K_{t-1}+I_{t}

For more details on the OLG model: See chapter 3-4 here.

1.2 Solution and simulation

Implication of profit maximization: From FOCs

rtk=FK(Kt1,Et)=αKt1θ1Yt1+θwt=FE(Kt1,Et)=(1α)Etθ1Yt1+θ\begin{aligned} r_{t}^{k} & =F_{K}(K_{t-1},E_{t})=\alpha K_{t-1}^{-\theta-1}Y_{t}^{1+\theta}\\ w_{t} & =F_{E}(K_{t-1},E_{t})=(1-\alpha)E_{t}^{-\theta-1}Y_{t}^{1+\theta} \end{aligned}

Implication of utility maximization: From FOC

C1tσ=β(1+(1τr)rt+1)C2t+1σ\begin{aligned} C_{1t}^{-\sigma}=\beta (1+(1-\tau_r)r_{t+1})C_{2t+1}^{-\sigma} \end{aligned}

Simulation algorithm: At the beginning of period tt, the economy can be summarized in the state variables Kt1K_{t-1} and Bt1B_{t-1}. Before sts_t is known, we can calculate:

Yt=F(Kt1,1)rtk=FK(Kt1,1)wt=FE(Kt1,1)rt=rtkδrtb=rtr~t=(1τr)rtC2t=(1+r~t)(Kt1+Bt1)Tt=τrrt(Kt1+Bt1)+τwwtBt=(1+rtb)Bt1+TtGt\begin{aligned} Y_{t} & =F(K_{t-1},1)\\ r_{t}^{k} & =F_{K}(K_{t-1},1)\\ w_{t} & =F_{E}(K_{t-1},1)\\ r_{t} & =r^k_{t}-\delta\\ r_{t}^{b} & =r_{t}\\ \tilde{r}_{t} & =(1-\tau_{r})r_{t}\\ C_{2t} & =(1+\tilde{r}_{t})(K_{t-1}+B_{t-1})\\ T_{t} & =\tau_{r}r_{t}(K_{t-1}+B_{t-1})+\tau_{w}w_{t}\\ B_{t} & =(1+r^b_{t})B_{t-1}+T_{t}-G_{t}\\ \end{aligned}

After sts_t is known we can calculate:

C1t=(1st)(1τw)wtIt=YtC1tC2tGtKt=(1δ)Kt1+It\begin{aligned} C_{1t} & = (1-s_{t})(1-\tau_{w})w_{t}\\ I_{t} & =Y_{t}-C_{1t}-C_{2t}-G_{t}\\ K_{t} & =(1-\delta)K_{t-1} + I_t \end{aligned}

Solution algorithm: Simulate forward choosing sts_{t} so that we always have

C1tσ=β(1+r~t+1)C2t+1σ\begin{aligned} C_{1t}^{-\sigma}=\beta(1+\tilde{r}_{t+1})C_{2t+1}^{-\sigma} \end{aligned}


  1. Use a bisection root-finder to determine sts_t
  2. Low sts_t: A lot of consumption today. Low marginal utility. LHS < RHS.
  3. High sts_t: Little consumption today. High marginal utility. LHS > RHS.
  4. Problem: Too low sts_t might not be feasible if Bt>0B_t > 0.

Note: Never errors in the Euler-equation due to perfect foresight.

Question: Are all the requirements for the equilibrium satisfied?

1.3 Test case

  1. Production is Cobb-Douglas (θ=0\theta = 0)
  2. Utility is logarithmic (σ=1\sigma = 1)
  3. The government is not doing anything (τw=τr=0\tau_w=\tau_r=0, Tt=Gt=0T_t = G_t = 0 and Bt=0B_t = 0)

Analytical steady state: It can be proven

limtKt=(1α1+1/β)11α\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty} K_t = \left(\frac{1-\alpha}{1+1/\beta}\right)^{\frac{1}{1-\alpha}}


model = OLGModelClass()
par = model.par # SimpeNamespace
sim = model.sim # SimpeNamespace

# a. production
par.production_function = 'cobb-douglas'
par.theta = 0.0

# b. households
par.sigma = 1.0

# c. government
par.tau_w = 0.0
par.tau_r = 0.0
sim.balanced_budget[:] = True # G changes to achieve this

# d. initial values
K_ss = ((1-par.alpha)/((1+1.0/par.beta)))**(1/(1-par.alpha))
par.K_lag_ini = 0.1*K_ss
initializing the model: calling .setup() calling .allocate()

Simulate first period manually

from OLGModel import simulate_before_s, simulate_after_s, find_s_bracket, calc_euler_error

Make a guess:

s_guess = 0.41

Evaluate first period:

# a. initialize
sim.K_lag[0] = par.K_lag_ini
sim.B_lag[0] = par.B_lag_ini

print(f'{sim.C2[0] = : .4f}')

print(f'{sim.C1[0] = : .4f}')

print(f'{sim.C2[1] = : .4f}')
print(f'{sim.rt[1] = : .4f}')

LHS_Euler = sim.C1[0]**(-par.sigma)
RHS_Euler = (1+sim.rt[1])*par.beta * sim.C2[1]**(-par.sigma)
print(f'euler-error = {LHS_Euler-RHS_Euler:.8f}')
sim.C2[0] = 0.0973 sim.C1[0] = 0.1221 sim.C2[1] = 0.1855 sim.rt[1] = 1.1871 euler-error = -0.22834540

Implemented as function:

euler_error = calc_euler_error(s_guess,par,sim,t=0)
print(f'euler-error = {euler_error:.8f}')
euler-error = -0.22834540

Find bracket to search in:

s_min,s_max = find_s_bracket(par,sim,t=0,do_print=True);
euler-error for s = 0.99999999 = 483321577.17005599 euler-error for s = 0.50000000 = 2.76183762 euler-error for s = 0.25000001 = -7.36489999 bracket to search in with opposite signed errors: [ 0.25000001- 0.50000000]

Call root-finder:

obj = lambda s: calc_euler_error(s,par,sim,t=0)
result = optimize.root_scalar(obj,bracket=(s_min,s_max),method='bisect')
converged: True flag: 'converged' function_calls: 39 iterations: 37 root: 0.41666666666653274

Check result:

euler_error = calc_euler_error(result.root,par,sim,t=0)
print(f'euler-error = {euler_error:.8f}')
euler-error = -0.00000000

Full simulation

simulation done in 0.06 secs

Check euler-errors:

for t in range(5):
    LHS_Euler = sim.C1[t]**(-par.sigma)
    RHS_Euler = (1+sim.rt[t+1])*par.beta * sim.C2[t+1]**(-par.sigma)
    print(f't = {t:2d}: euler-error = {LHS_Euler-RHS_Euler:.8f}')
t = 0: euler-error = -0.00000000 t = 1: euler-error = -0.00000000 t = 2: euler-error = -0.00000000 t = 3: euler-error = -0.00000000 t = 4: euler-error = -0.00000000

Plot and check with analytical solution:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6/1.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.axhline(K_ss,ls='--',color='black',label='analytical steady state')
K_lag_old = model.sim.K_lag.copy()

Task: Test if the starting point matters?

Additional check: Not much should change with only small parameter changes.

# a. production (close to cobb-douglas)
par.production_function = 'ces'
par.theta = 0.001

# b. household (close to logarithmic)
par.sigma = 1.1

# c. goverment (weakly active)
par.tau_w = 0.001
par.tau_r = 0.001

# d. simulate
simulation done in 0.06 secs
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6/1.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(K_lag_old,label=r'$K_{t-1}$ ($\theta = 0.0, \sigma = 1.0$, inactive government)')
ax.axhline(K_ss,ls='--',color='black',label='analytical steady state (wrong)')

1.4 Active government

model = OLGModelClass()
par = model.par
sim = model.sim
initializing the model: calling .setup() calling .allocate()


simulation done in 0.02 secs
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6/1.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

Remember steady state:

K_ss = sim.K_lag[-1]
B_ss = sim.B_lag[-1]
G_ss = sim.G[-1]

Spending spree of 5% in T=3T=3 periods:

# a. start from steady state
par.K_lag_ini = K_ss
par.B_lag_ini = B_ss

# b. spending spree
T0 = 0
dT = 3
sim.G[T0:T0+dT] = 1.05*G_ss
sim.balanced_budget[:T0] = True #G adjusts
sim.balanced_budget[T0:T0+dT] = False # B adjusts
sim.balanced_budget[T0+dT:] = True # G adjusts


simulation done in 0.07 secs

Crowding-out of capital:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6/1.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

Question: Would the households react today if the spending spree is say 10 periods in the future?

1.5 Getting an overview

  1. Spend 3 minutes looking at OLGModel.py
  2. Write one question at https://b.socrative.com/login/student/ with ROOM=NUMECON

1.6 Potential analysis and extension

Potential analysis:

  1. Over-accumulation of capital relative to golden rule?
  2. Calibration to actual data
  3. Generational inequality
  4. Multiple equilibria


  1. Add population and technology growth
  2. More detailed tax and transfer system
  3. Utility and productive effect of government consumption/investment
  4. Endogenous labor supply
  5. Bequest motive
  6. Uncertain returns on capital
  7. Additional assets (e.g. housing)
  8. More than two periods in the life-cycle (life-cycle)
  9. More than one dynasty (cross-sectional inequality dynamics)

2. Ramsey model

... also called the Ramsey-Cass-Koopman model.

2.1 Model descripton

Time: Discrete and indexed by t{0,1,}t\in\{0,1,\dots\}.

Demographics:: Population is constant. Everybody lives forever.

Household: Households supply labor exogenously, Lt=1L_{t}=1, and earns a wage wtw_{t}. The return on saving is rt+1r_{t+1}. Utility is

U=max{Ct}t=0t=0βtCt1σ1σ,β(0,1),σ>0s.t.Mt=(1+rt)Nt1+wtNt=MtCt\begin{aligned} U & =\max_{\{C_{t}\}_{t=0}^{\infty}}\sum_{t=0}^{\infty}\beta^{t}\frac{C_{t}^{1-\sigma}}{1-\sigma},\beta\in(0,1),\sigma>0\\ & \text{s.t.}\\ & M_{t}=(1+r_{t})N_{t-1}+w_{t}\\ & N_{t}=M_{t}-C_{t} \end{aligned}

where MtM_{t} is cash-on-hand and NtN_{t} is end-of-period assets.

Firms: Firms rent capital Kt1K_{t-1} at the rental rate rtKr_{t}^{K} and hires labor EtE_{t} at the wage rate wtw_{t}. Firms have access to the production function

Yt=F(Kt1,Et)=At(αKt1θ+(1α)Etθ)1θ,θ>1,α(0,1),At>0\begin{aligned} Y_{t}= F(K_{t-1},E_{t})=A_t(\alpha K_{t-1}^{-\theta}+(1-\alpha)E_{t}^{-\theta})^{\frac{1}{-\theta}},\,\,\,\theta>-1,\alpha\in(0,1),A_t>0 \end{aligned}

Profits are

Πt=YtwtEtrtKKt1\begin{aligned} \Pi_{t}=Y_{t}-w_{t}E_{t}-r_{t}^{K}K_{t-1} \end{aligned}


  1. Households maximize utility
  2. Firms maximize profits
  3. Labor market clear: Et=Lt=1E_{t}=L_{t}=1
  4. Goods market clear: Yt=Ct+ItY_{t}=C_{t}+I_{t}
  5. Asset market clear: Nt=KtN_{t}=K_{t} and rt=rtkδr_{t}=r_{t}^{k}-\delta
  6. Capital follows its law of motion: Kt=(1δ)Kt1+ItK_{t}=(1-\delta)K_{t-1}+I_{t}

Implication of profit maximization: From FOCs

rtk=FK(Kt1,Et)=AtαKt1θ1Yt1wt=FE(Kt1,Et)=At(1α)Etθ1Yt1\begin{aligned} r_{t}^{k} & = F_{K}(K_{t-1},E_{t})=A_t \alpha K_{t-1}^{-\theta-1}Y_{t}^{-1}\\ w_{t} & = F_{E}(K_{t-1},E_{t})=A_t (1-\alpha)E_{t}^{-\theta-1}Y_{t}^{-1} \end{aligned}

Implication of utility maximization: From FOCs

Ctσ=β(1+rt+1)Ct+1σ\begin{aligned} C_{t}^{-\sigma}=\beta(1+r_{t+1})C_{t+1}^{-\sigma} \end{aligned}

Solution algorithm:

We can summarize the model in the non-linear equation system

H(K,C,K1)=[H0H1]=[00]\begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{H}(\boldsymbol{K},\boldsymbol{C},K_{-1})=\left[\begin{array}{c} H_{0}\\ H_{1}\\ \begin{array}{c} \vdots\end{array} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c} 0\\ 0\\ \begin{array}{c} \vdots\end{array} \end{array}\right] \end{aligned}

where K=[K0,K1]\boldsymbol{K} = [K_0,K_1\dots], C=[C0,C1]\boldsymbol{C} = [C_0,C_1\dots], and

Ht=[Ctσβ(1+rt+1)Ct+1σKt[(1δ)Kt1+YtCt]]=[Ctσβ(1+FK(Kt,1))Ct+1σKt[(1δ)Kt1+F(Kt1,1)Ct])]\begin{aligned} H_{t} =\left[\begin{array}{c} C_{t}^{-\sigma}-\beta(1+r_{t+1})C_{t+1}^{-\sigma}\\ K_{t}-[(1-\delta)K_{t-1}+Y_t-C_{t}] \end{array}\right] =\left[\begin{array}{c} C_{t}^{-\sigma}-\beta(1+F_{K}(K_{t},1))C_{t+1}^{-\sigma}\\ K_{t}-[(1-\delta)K_{t-1} + F(K_{t-1},1)-C_{t}]) \end{array}\right] \end{aligned}

Path: We refer to K\boldsymbol{K} and C\boldsymbol{C} as transition paths.

Implementation: We solve this equation system in two steps:

  1. Assume all variables are in steady state after some truncation horizon.
  2. Calculate the numerical jacobian of H\boldsymbol{H} wrt. K\boldsymbol{K} and C\boldsymbol{C} around the steady state
  3. Solve the equation system using a hand-written Broyden-solver

Note: The equation system can also be solved directly using scipy.optimize.root.

Remember: The jacobian is just a gradient. I.e. the matrix of what the implied errors are in H\boldsymbol{H} when a single KtK_t or CtC_t change.

2.2 Solution

model = RamseyModelClass()
par = model.par
ss = model.ss
path = model.path
initializing the model: calling .setup() calling .allocate()

Find steady state:

  1. Target steady-state capital-output ratio, Kss/YssK_{ss}/Y_{ss} of 4.0.
  2. Force steady-state output Yss=1Y_{ss} = 1.
  3. Adjust β\beta and AssA_{ss} to achieve this.
Y_ss = 1.0000 K_ss/Y_ss = 4.0000 rk_ss = 0.0750 r_ss = 0.0250 w_ss = 0.7000 A = 0.6598 beta = 0.9756

Test that errors and the path are 0:

# a. set initial value
par.K_lag_ini = ss.K

# b. set path
path.A[:] = ss.A
path.C[:] = ss.C
path.K[:] = ss.K

# c. check errors
errors_ss = model.evaluate_path_errors()
assert np.allclose(errors_ss,0.0)


par.K_lag_ini = 0.50*ss.K # start away from steady state
model.solve() # find transition path
it = 0 -> max. abs. error = 2.08774760 it = 1 -> max. abs. error = 0.03407048 it = 2 -> max. abs. error = 0.04084472 it = 3 -> max. abs. error = 0.00495803 it = 4 -> max. abs. error = 0.01354190 it = 5 -> max. abs. error = 0.01209108 it = 6 -> max. abs. error = 0.00397825 it = 7 -> max. abs. error = 0.00192043 it = 8 -> max. abs. error = 0.00097483 it = 9 -> max. abs. error = 0.00009018 it = 10 -> max. abs. error = 0.00010485 it = 11 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000476 it = 12 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000737 it = 13 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000045 it = 14 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000038 it = 15 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000002 it = 16 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000002 it = 17 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000000
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6/1.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

2.3 Comparison with scipy solution

Note: scipy computes the jacobian internally

model_scipy = RamseyModelClass()
model_scipy.par.solver = 'scipy'
model_scipy.par.K_lag_ini = 0.50*model_scipy.ss.K
model_scipy.path.A[:] = model_scipy.ss.A
initializing the model: calling .setup() calling .allocate() Y_ss = 1.0000 K_ss/Y_ss = 4.0000 rk_ss = 0.0750 r_ss = 0.0250 w_ss = 0.7000 A = 0.6598 beta = 0.9756
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6/1.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(path.K_lag,label=r'$K_{t-1}$, broyden')
ax.plot(model_scipy.path.K_lag,ls='--',label=r'$K_{t-1}$, scipy')

2.4 Persistent technology shock


par.K_lag_ini = ss.K # start from steady state
path.A[:] = 0.95**np.arange(par.Tpath)*0.1*ss.A + ss.A # shock path

Terminology: This is called an MIT-shock. Households do not expect shocks. Know the full path of the shock when it arrives. Continue to believe no future shocks will happen.


it = 0 -> max. abs. error = 0.10000000 it = 1 -> max. abs. error = 0.00096551 it = 2 -> max. abs. error = 0.00004937 it = 3 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000248 it = 4 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000040 it = 5 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000006 it = 6 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000000
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2*6,6/1.5))

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax.set_title('Capital, $K_{t-1}$')

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
ax.set_title('Technology, $A_t$')


Question: Could a much more persistent shock be problematic?

2.5 Future persistent technology shock

Shock happing after period HH:

par.K_lag_ini = ss.K # start from steady state

# shock
H = 50
path.A[:] = ss.A
path.A[H:] = 0.95**np.arange(par.Tpath-H)*0.1*ss.A + ss.A


it = 0 -> max. abs. error = 0.10000000 it = 1 -> max. abs. error = 0.00267237 it = 2 -> max. abs. error = 0.00015130 it = 3 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000241 it = 4 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000025 it = 5 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000002 it = 6 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000000
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2*6,6/1.5))

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax.set_title('Capital, $K_{t-1}$')

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
ax.set_title('Technology, $A_t$')

par.K_lag_ini = path.K[30]
path.A[:] = ss.A
it = 0 -> max. abs. error = 0.05301739 it = 1 -> max. abs. error = 0.00001569 it = 2 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000010 it = 3 -> max. abs. error = 0.00000000

Take-away: Households are forward looking and responds before the shock hits.

2.6 Getting an overview

  1. Spend 3 minutes looking at RamseyModel.py
  2. Write one question at https://b.socrative.com/login/student/ with ROOM=NUMECON

2.7 Potential analysis and extension

Potential analysis:

  1. Different shocks (e.g. discount factor)
  2. Multiple shocks
  3. Permanent shocks (\rightarrow convergence to new steady state)
  4. Transition speed


  1. Add a government and taxation
  2. Endogenous labor supply
  3. Additional assets (e.g. housing)
  4. Add nominal rigidities (New Keynesian)

3. Further perspectives

The next steps beyond this course:

  1. The Bewley-Huggett-Aiyagari model. A multi-period OLG model or Ramsey model with households making decisions under uncertainty and borrowing constraints as in lecture 11 under "dynamic optimization". Such heterogenous agent models are used in state-of-the-art research, see Quantitative Macroeconomics with Heterogeneous Households.

  2. Further adding nominal rigidities this is called a Heterogenous Agent New Keynesian (HANK) model. See Macroeconomics with HANK models.

  3. This extends the Representative Agent New Keynesian (RANK) model, which itself is a Ramsey model extended with nominal rigidities.

  4. The final frontier is including aggregate risk, which either requires linearization or using a Krussell-Smith method. Solving the model in sequence-space as we did with the Ramsey model is a frontier method (see here).

Next lecture: Agent Based Models