Lecture 06: Examples and overview

You now have all the basic tools to solve interesting economic models. The trick is to be able to combine what you know to solve problems in practice. We firstly briefly recap, with a focus solving optimization problems and non-linear equations. Afterwards, we consider a number of examples.

  1. The consumer problem
  2. A worker-capitalist production economy
  3. The inaugurual project from 2020 (labor supply and taxation)
# magic to reload modules automatically
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

# standard imports
from types import SimpleNamespace # new? explained below
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

1. Recap

  1. Primitives: types, operators, copy vs. view, conditionals, loops, functions, classes
  2. Optimize, print and plot: mathematics (numpy), printing, figures (matplotlib), solving optimization problems and equations (scipy.optimize)
  3. Random numbers and simulation: random numbers (numpy.random), save/load (pickle), interactive figures (ipywidgets)
  4. Workflow and debugging: structuring, naming, commenting, debugging (assert, try-except), modules

Sum up: Lots and lots of information. The important thing is not to remember it all, but to know where to look for answers.

1.1 Optimize, optimize, optimize

The two most important tools:

  1. Solving optimization problems with scipy.optimize.minimize and scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar
  2. Solving equations with scipy.optimize.root and scipy.optimize.root_scalar

Problem: A bit of a black box...

  • Lecture 10: Details on solving equations.
  • Lecture 11: Details on numerical optimization.
  • Now: Compare with a) a loop search and b) a hand-written optimizer.

Loops vs. optimizer

Consider a simple maximization problem:

maxxf(x)=maxx3(x2)2+1\max_x f(x) = \max_x -3(x-2)^2+1


f(x)=06(x2)=0x=2.0f^\prime(x) = 0 \Leftrightarrow -6(x-2) = 0 \Leftrightarrow x = 2.0
def f_func(x):
    return -3*(x-2)**2 + 1

Rough solution with loop:

N = 100
x_vec = np.linspace(-10,10,N)
f_vec = np.empty(N)

f_best = -np.inf # initial maximum
x_best = np.nan # not-a-number

for i,x in enumerate(x_vec):
    f_now = f_vec[i] = f_func(x)
    if f_now > f_best:
        x_best = x
        f_best = f_now

print(f'best with loop is {f_best:.8f} at x = {x_best:.8f}')
best with loop is 0.98041016 at x = 1.91919192

Question: Not quite right, how to improve?


fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)


ax.legend(loc='lower center',frameon=True);

Solution with scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar (documentation):

obj = lambda x: -f_func(x) # here the input is a scalar
res = optimize.minimize_scalar(obj,bracket=(-10,10),method='brent')
x = res.x
f = -res.fun

print(f'best is {f:.8f} at x = {x:.8f}')
best is 1.00000000 at x = 2.00000000

Solution with scipy.optimize.minimize (documentation):

x_guess = [0]
obj = lambda x: -f_func(x[0]) # now the input is a vector
res = optimize.minimize(obj,x_guess,method='Nelder-Mead')
x = res.x[0]
f = -res.fun

print(f'best is {f:.8f} at x = {x:.8f}')
best is 1.00000000 at x = 2.00000000

Solution with scipy.optimize.root_scalar (documentation):

Find derivative and solve via FOC:

def fp_func(x):
    return -6*(x-2)
obj = lambda x: fp_func(x)
res = optimize.root_scalar(obj,bracket=(-10,10),method='bisect')
x = res.root
f = f_func(res.root)

print(f'best is {f:.8f} at x = {x:.8f}')
best is 1.00000000 at x = 2.00000000

Solution with scipy.optimize.root (documentation):

x_guess = [0]    
obj = lambda x: fp_func(x[0])
res = optimize.root(obj,x_guess,method='hybr')
x = res.x[0]
f = f_func(x)

print(f'best is {f:.8f} at x = {x:.8f}')
best is 1.00000000 at x = 2.00000000

Gradient descent optimizer

Algorithm: minimize_gradient_descent()

  1. Choose tolerance ϵ>0\epsilon>0, step size α>0\alpha > 0, and guess on x0x_0, set n=0n=0.
  2. Compute f(xn)f(x_n) and f(xn)f(xn+Δ)f(xn)Δf^\prime(x_n) \approx \frac{f(x_n+\Delta)-f(x_n)}{\Delta}.
  3. If f(xn)<ϵ|f^\prime(x_n)| < \epsilon then stop.
  4. Compute new guess "down the hill":

    xn+1=xnαf(xn)x_{n+1} = x_{n} - \alpha f^\prime(x_n)
  1. Set n=n+1n = n + 1 and return to step 2.

Code for algorithm:

def gradient_descent(f,x0,alpha=0.5,Delta=1e-8,max_iter=500,eps=1e-8):
    """ minimize function with gradient descent

        f (callable): function
        x0 (float): initial value
        alpha (float,optional): step size factor in search
        Delta (float,optional): step size in numerical derivative
        max_iter (int,optional): maximum number of iterations
        eps (float,optional): tolerance
        x (float): minimum
        fx (float): funciton value at minimum
        trials (list): og dicts with keys x, value and derivative
    # step 1: initialize
    x = x0
    n = 0
    trials = []
    # step 2-4:
    while n < max_iter:
        # step 2: compute function value and derivative
        fx = f(x)
        fp = (f(x+Delta)-fx)/Delta
        # step 3: check convergence
        print(f'n = {n:3d}: x = {x:12.8f}, f = {fx:12.8f}, fp = {fp:12.8f}')
        if np.abs(fp) < eps:
        # step 4: update x
        x -= alpha*fp
        # step 5: update n
        n += 1
    return x,fx,trials

New example:

maxxf(x)=maxxsin(x)+0.05x2\max_x f(x) = \max_x -\sin(x)+0.05x^2

Call the optimizer:

x0 = 0.0
f = lambda x: -np.sin(x)+0.05*x**2

x,fx,trials = gradient_descent(f,x0)

print(f'best with gradient_descent is {fx:.8f} at x = {x:.8f}')
n = 0: x = 0.00000000, f = 0.00000000, fp = -1.00000000 n = 1: x = 0.50000000, f = -0.46692554, fp = -0.82758256 n = 2: x = 0.91379128, f = -0.75007422, fp = -0.51936899 n = 3: x = 1.17347578, f = -0.85324884, fp = -0.26960142 n = 4: x = 1.30827649, f = -0.88015974, fp = -0.12868722 n = 5: x = 1.37262010, f = -0.88622298, fp = -0.05961956 n = 6: x = 1.40242988, f = -0.88751934, fp = -0.02732913 n = 7: x = 1.41609444, f = -0.88779134, fp = -0.01247611 n = 8: x = 1.42233250, f = -0.88784799, fp = -0.00568577 n = 9: x = 1.42517538, f = -0.88785975, fp = -0.00258928 n = 10: x = 1.42647003, f = -0.88786219, fp = -0.00117876 n = 11: x = 1.42705940, f = -0.88786269, fp = -0.00053654 n = 12: x = 1.42732767, f = -0.88786280, fp = -0.00024420 n = 13: x = 1.42744978, f = -0.88786282, fp = -0.00011116 n = 14: x = 1.42750535, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00005059 n = 15: x = 1.42753065, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00002303 n = 16: x = 1.42754216, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00001048 n = 17: x = 1.42754740, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00000477 n = 18: x = 1.42754979, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00000216 n = 19: x = 1.42755087, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00000098 n = 20: x = 1.42755136, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00000046 n = 21: x = 1.42755159, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00000020 n = 22: x = 1.42755169, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00000009 n = 23: x = 1.42755173, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00000004 n = 24: x = 1.42755175, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00000002 n = 25: x = 1.42755177, f = -0.88786283, fp = -0.00000001 n = 26: x = 1.42755177, f = -0.88786283, fp = 0.00000000 best with gradient_descent is -0.88786283 at x = 1.42755177


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))

# a. main figure
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,(1,2))

trial_x_vec = [trial['x'] for trial in trials]
trial_f_vec = [trial['fx'] for trial in trials]
trial_fp_vec = [trial['fp'] for trial in trials]


ax.legend(loc='upper center',frameon=True)

# sub figure 1
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3)

# sub figure 2
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4)
ax.set_ylabel('derivative of f');

Question: Can we guess on any initial value of x0x_0?

What to take a look inside? Turn on the debugger. Add a breakpoint in the beginning of gradient_descent. Solve the problem again, and step in by pressing F11.

2. The consumer problem

V(p1,p2,m)=maxx1,x2(α1σx1σ1σ+(1α)1σx2σ1σ)σσ1s.t.p1x1+p2x2m,p1,p2,m>0x1,x20\begin{aligned} V(p_{1},p_{2},m) & = \max_{x_{1},x_{2}} \left(\alpha^{\frac{1}{\sigma}}x_{1}^{\frac{\sigma-1}{\sigma}}+(1-\alpha)^{\frac{1}{\sigma}}x_{2}^{\frac{\sigma-1}{\sigma}}\right)^{\frac{\sigma}{\sigma-1}}\\ \text{s.t.}\\ p_{1}x_{1}+p_{2}x_{2} & \leq m,\,\,\,p_{1},p_{2},m>0\\ x_{1},x_{2} & \geq 0 \end{aligned}

Goal: Create a model-class to solve this problem.

  1. Let model be a class
  2. Let model.par contain all parameters (e.g. model.par.alpha)
  3. Let model.sol contain the solution (e.g. model.sol.x1)

SimpleNamespace(): Like a dictionary, but e.g. par.alpha instead of par['alpha'].

par = SimpleNamespace()
par.alpha = 0.5
par.sigma = 0.1

print(f'alpha = {par.alpha:6.3f}')
print(f'sigma = {par.sigma:6.3f}')
alpha = 0.500 sigma = 0.100

Can always be interfaced as a dictionary with __dict__:

for k,v in par.__dict__.items():
    print(f'{k:5s} = {v:6.3f}')
alpha = 0.500 sigma = 0.100

Utility function:

def u_func(model,x1,x2):
    par = model.par
    u_x1 = par.alpha**(1/par.sigma)*x1**((par.sigma-1)/par.sigma)
    u_x2 = (1-par.alpha)**(1/par.sigma)*x2**((par.sigma-1)/par.sigma)
    return (u_x1+u_x2)**(par.sigma/(par.sigma-1))

Solution function:

def solve(model):
    par = model.par
    sol = model.sol    
    # a. objective function (to minimize) 
    obj = lambda x: -model.u_func(x[0],x[1]) # minimize -> negtive of utility
    # b. constraints and bounds
    budget_constraint = lambda x: par.m-par.p1*x[0]-par.p2*x[1] # violated if negative
    constraints = ({'type':'ineq','fun':budget_constraint})
    bounds = ((1e-8,par.m/par.p1-1e-8),(1e-8,par.m/par.p2-1e-8))
    # why all these 1e-8? To avoid ever having x1 = 0 or x2 = 0
    # c. call solver
    x0 = [(par.m/par.p1)/2,(par.m/par.p2)/2]
    result = optimize.minimize(obj,x0,method='SLSQP',bounds=bounds,constraints=constraints)
    # d. save
    sol.x1 = result.x[0]
    sol.x2 = result.x[1]
    sol.u = model.u_func(sol.x1,sol.x2)

Create consumer class:

class ConsumerClass:
    def __init__(self): 
        # this is called automatically when a consumer is created
        # a. parameters
        par = self.par = SimpleNamespace()
        par.alpha = 0.5
        par.sigma = 0.1
        par.mu = 0.5
        par.p1 = 1
        par.p2 = 2
        par.m = 10

        # b. solution
        sol = self.sol = SimpleNamespace()
        sol.x1 = np.nan
        sol.x2 = np.nan
        sol.u = np.nan
    u_func = u_func
    solve = solve

Solve consumer problem:

jeppe = ConsumerClass() # calls __init__()
print(f'(x1,x2) = ({jeppe.sol.x1:.3f},{jeppe.sol.x2:.3f}), u = {jeppe.sol.u:.3f}')
(x1,x2) = (3.489,3.256), u = 6.705

Easy to loop over:

for alpha in np.linspace(0.3,0.7,5):
    jeppe.par.alpha = alpha
    print(f'alpha = {alpha:.3f} -> (x1,x2) = ({jeppe.sol.x1:.3f},{jeppe.sol.x2:.3f}), u = {jeppe.sol.u:.3f}')
alpha = 0.300 -> (x1,x2) = (1.868,4.066), u = 5.906 alpha = 0.400 -> (x1,x2) = (2.632,3.684), u = 6.282 alpha = 0.500 -> (x1,x2) = (3.489,3.256), u = 6.705 alpha = 0.600 -> (x1,x2) = (4.456,2.772), u = 7.186 alpha = 0.700 -> (x1,x2) = (5.556,2.222), u = 7.737

Question: Anything you want to test?

3. A worker-capitalist production economy

Consider an economy consisting of NwN_w workers, and NcN_c capitalists and a single firm owned equally by the capitalists.

Workers: Consume, cwc_w, at a price pp, and supply labor, w\ell_w, at a wage of ww. Maximize utility:

maxcw0,w[0,1]log(cw+κ)ωwη s.t pcwww,ω,κ>0,η1\max_{c_w\geq0,\ell_w\in[0,1]} \log (c_w+\kappa)- \omega \ell_w^{\eta} \text{ s.t } pc_w \leq w \ell_w,\,\,\,\omega,\kappa > 0, \eta \geq 1

Equivalently, substituting in the budget constraint with equality:

maxw[0,1]log(wwp+κ)ωwη\max_{\ell_w\in[0,1]} \log \left( \frac{w \ell_w}{p}+\kappa \right)- \omega \ell_w^{\eta}

Denote optimal behavior cw(p,w)c_w^{\star}(p,w) and w(p,w)\ell_w^{\star}(p,w).

Capitalists: Consume, ccc_c, at a price pp, supply labor, c\ell_c, at a wage ww, and receives profits π\pi. Maximize utility:

maxcc0,c[0,1]log(cc+κ)ωcη s.t pcc=wc+π,,ω,κ>0,η1\max_{c_c\geq0,\ell_c\in[0,1]} \log (c_c+\kappa) - \omega \ell_c^{\eta} \text{ s.t } pc_c = w \ell_c + \pi, ,\,\,\,\omega,\kappa > 0, \eta \geq 1

Equivalently, substituting in the budget constraint with equality:

maxc[0,1]log(wc+πp+κ)ωcη\max_{\ell_c\in[0,1]} \log \left( \frac{w \ell_c + \pi}{p}+\kappa \right)- \omega \ell_c^{\eta}

Denote optimal behavior cc(p,w,π)c_c^{\star}(p,w,\pi) and c(p,w,π)\ell_c^{\star}(p,w,\pi).

Firm: Use the production function f()=α,α(0,1)f(\ell) = \ell^\alpha, \alpha \in (0,1). Maximize profits:

max0pf()w\max_{\ell\geq0} p f(\ell) - w\ell

Denote optional behavior by (p,w)\ell^{\star}(p,w).

Implied production is y(p,w)=f((p,w))y^{\star}(p,w) = f(\ell^{\star}(p,w)) and implied total profits are Π(p,w)=py(p,w)w(p,w)\Pi^\star(p,w) = py^{\star}(p,w) - w\ell^{\star}(p,w)

Equilibrium: A set of prices (p,w)(p,w) such that workers, capitalists and firms act optimally given prices and profit, and

  1. Goods market clears: Nwcw(p,w)+Nccc(p,w,π)=y(p,w)N_w c_w^{\star}(p,w) + N_c c_c^{\star}(p,w,\pi) = y^\star(p,w)
  2. Labor market clears: Nww(p,w)+Ncc(p,w,π)=(p,w)N_w \ell_w^{\star}(p,w) + N_c \ell_c^{\star}(p,w,\pi) = \ell^\star(p,w)
  3. Profits received equal profits distributed: π=py(p,w)w(p,w)Nc\pi = \frac{py^{\star}(p,w) - w\ell^{\star}(p,w)}{N_c}

Note I: We can use p=1p=1 as numeraire.

Note II: Walras' Law imply that if one of the markets clear, then the other one does too.

3.1 Parameters

Choose parameters:

par = SimpleNamespace()
par.kappa = 0.1
par.omega = 10
par.eta = 1.50
par.alpha = 0.50
par.Nw = 99
par.Nc = 1

3.2 Workers

def utility_w(c,l,par):
    """ utility of workers """
    return np.log(c+par.kappa)-par.omega*l**par.eta

def workers(p,w,par):
    """ maximize utility for workers """
    # a. solve
    obj = lambda l: -utility_w((w*l)/p,l,par)
    res = optimize.minimize_scalar(obj,bounds=(0,1),method='bounded')
    # b. save
    l_w_star = res.x
    c_w_star = (w*l_w_star)/p
    return c_w_star,l_w_star

Small test:

p = 1
for w in [0.5,1,1.5]:
    c,l = workers(p,w,par)
    print(f'w = {w:.2f} -> c = {c:.2f}, l = {l:.2f}')
w = 0.50 -> c = 0.03, l = 0.06 w = 1.00 -> c = 0.11, l = 0.11 w = 1.50 -> c = 0.18, l = 0.12

3.3 Capitalists

def utility_c(c,l,par):
    """ utility of capitalists """
    return np.log(c+par.kappa)-par.omega*l**par.eta

def capitalists(p,w,pi,par):
    """ maximize utility of capitalists """
    # a. solve
    obj = lambda l: -utility_c((w*l+pi)/p,l,par) # subsittute in the budget constraint
    res = optimize.minimize_scalar(obj,bounds=(0,1),method='bounded')
    # b. save
    l_c_star = res.x
    c_c_star = (w*l_c_star+pi)/p
    return c_c_star,l_c_star

Small test:

p = 1
pi = 0.1
for w in [0.5,1,1.5]:
    c,l = capitalists(p,w,pi,par)
    print(f'w = {w:.2f} -> c = {c:.2f}, l = {l:.2f}')
w = 0.50 -> c = 0.11, l = 0.02 w = 1.00 -> c = 0.16, l = 0.06 w = 1.50 -> c = 0.23, l = 0.09

Question: Any idea for another test?

3.4 Firm

def firm(p,w,par):
    """ maximize firm profits """
    # a. solve
    f = lambda l: l**par.alpha
    obj = lambda l: -(p*f(l)-w*l)
    x0 = [0.0]
    res = optimize.minimize(obj,x0,bounds=((0,None),),method='L-BFGS-B')
    # b. save
    l_star = res.x[0]
    y_star = f(l_star)
    Pi = p*y_star - w*l_star
    return y_star,l_star,Pi

Small test:

p = 1
for w in [0.5,1,1.5]:
    y,l,Pi = firm(p,w,par)
    print(f'w = {w:.2f} -> y = {y:.2f}, l = {l:.2f}, Pi = {Pi:.2f}')
w = 0.50 -> y = 1.00, l = 1.00, Pi = 0.50 w = 1.00 -> y = 0.50, l = 0.25, Pi = 0.25 w = 1.50 -> y = 0.33, l = 0.11, Pi = 0.17

3.5 Equilibrium

def evaluate_equilibrium(w,par,p=None,do_print=False):
    """ evaluate equilirium """
    # a. normalize output price
    p = 1 if p is None else p
    # b. optimal behavior of firm
    y_star,l_star,Pi = firm(p,w,par)
    pi = Pi/par.Nc
    # c. optimal behavior of households
    c_w_star,l_w_star = workers(p,w,par)
    c_c_star,l_c_star = capitalists(p,w,pi,par)
    # d. market clearing
    goods_mkt_clearing = par.Nw*c_w_star + par.Nc*c_c_star - y_star
    labor_mkt_clearing = par.Nw*l_w_star + par.Nc*l_c_star - l_star
    if do_print:
        u_w = utility_w(c_w_star,l_w_star,par)
        print(f'workers      : c = {c_w_star:6.4f}, l = {l_w_star:6.4f}, u = {u_w:7.4f}')
        u_c = utility_c(c_c_star,l_c_star,par)
        print(f'capitalists  : c = {c_c_star:6.4f}, l = {l_c_star:6.4f}, u = {u_c:7.4f}')        
        print(f'goods market : {goods_mkt_clearing:.8f}')
        print(f'labor market : {labor_mkt_clearing:.8f}')
        return goods_mkt_clearing

Step 1: Perform rough grid search to check when the goods market clears.

num_w = 10
grid_w = np.linspace(0.1,1.5,num_w)
grid_mkt_clearing = np.zeros(num_w)

for i,w in enumerate(grid_w):
    grid_mkt_clearing[i] = evaluate_equilibrium(w,par)
    print(f'w = {w:.2f} -> excess demand = {grid_mkt_clearing[i]:12.8f}')
w = 0.10 -> excess demand = -2.45597063 w = 0.26 -> excess demand = -0.33115179 w = 0.41 -> excess demand = 1.47824268 w = 0.57 -> excess demand = 3.60037473 w = 0.72 -> excess demand = 5.89988125 w = 0.88 -> excess demand = 8.29317023 w = 1.03 -> excess demand = 10.74049294 w = 1.19 -> excess demand = 13.22157416 w = 1.34 -> excess demand = 15.72439188 w = 1.50 -> excess demand = 18.24150339

Step 2: Find where excess demand changes sign - the equilibrium price must be within this range

left = np.max(grid_w[grid_mkt_clearing < 0])
right = np.min(grid_w[grid_mkt_clearing > 0])
print(f'equilibrium price must be in [{left:.2f},{right:.2f}]')
equilibrium price must be in [0.26,0.41]

Step 3: Use equation-solver / root-finder

res = optimize.root_scalar(evaluate_equilibrium,bracket=[left,right],method='bisect',args=(par,))
w = res.root
print(f'the equilibrium wage is {w:.4f}')
the equilibrium wage is 0.2864

Show details:

workers : c = 0.0088, l = 0.0308, u = -2.2721 capitalists : c = 0.8731, l = 0.0004, u = -0.0274 goods market : 0.00000004 labor market : 0.00000013

Check I: Does both markets clear?

Check II: Can we multiply both prices with the same factor? I.e. can we change the numeraire?

fac = 100
p_ = fac*1.0 
w_ = fac*w
workers : c = 0.0088, l = 0.0308, u = -2.2721 capitalists : c = 0.8731, l = 0.0004, u = -0.0274 goods market : -0.00000240 labor market : -0.00000840

3.6 Experiments

It is easy to extend this model in many directions:

  1. Should workers and capitalists have different tastes or producitvity?
  2. Should there be government redistribution?
  3. Other ideas?

3.7 Using a class

from WorkerCapitalistEconomy import WorkerCapitalistEconomyClass

Look at WorkerCapitalistEconomy.py: Same code, but written as a class!

model = WorkerCapitalistEconomyClass()
print(model.par.kappa) # excess the class data with .
grid search: w = 0.10 -> -2.45597063 w = 0.26 -> -0.33115179 w = 0.41 -> 1.47824268 w = 0.57 -> 3.60037473 w = 0.72 -> 5.89988125 w = 0.88 -> 8.29317023 w = 1.03 -> 10.74049294 w = 1.19 -> 13.22157416 w = 1.34 -> 15.72439188 w = 1.50 -> 18.24150339 equilibrium price must be in [0.26,0.41] the equilibrium wage is 0.2864 workers : c = 0.0088, l = 0.0308, u = -2.2721 capitalists : c = 0.8731, l = 0.0004, u = -0.0274 goods market : 0.00000004 labor market : 0.00000013

Benefit I: Fewer inputs and outputs, less risk of wrong ordering.

Benefit II of class-based solution: Easy access to all data. E.g. capitalists share of total consumption.

C_w = model.par.Nw*model.sol.c_w_star
C_c = model.par.Nc*model.sol.c_c_star
print(f'capitalists share of total consumption is: {C_c/(C_c+C_w):.2f}')
capitalists share of total consumption is: 0.50

Benefit III of class-based solution: Easy to experiment with different parameters.

model.par.kappa = model.par.kappa/100 # lower kappa
grid search: w = 0.10 -> -0.93720172 w = 0.26 -> 3.11578788 w = 0.41 -> 6.01856761 w = 0.57 -> 8.72067391 w = 0.72 -> 11.35650742 w = 0.88 -> 13.96702518 w = 1.03 -> 16.56693675 w = 1.19 -> 19.16044548 w = 1.34 -> 21.74865061 w = 1.50 -> 24.33227156 equilibrium price must be in [0.10,0.26] the equilibrium wage is 0.1260 workers : c = 0.0200, l = 0.1592, u = -4.4959 capitalists : c = 1.9848, l = 0.0000, u = 0.6860 goods market : 0.00000037 labor market : 0.00000291
for k,v in model.sol.__dict__.items():
    print(f'{k:20s} = {v:6.2f}')
p = 1.00 w = 0.13 l_star = 15.76 y_star = 3.97 Pi = 1.98 pi = 1.98 l_w_star = 0.16 c_w_star = 0.02 l_c_star = 0.00 c_c_star = 1.98 goods_mkt_clearing = 0.00 labor_mkt_clearing = 0.00

4. Inaugural project from 2020 (labor supply and taxation)

Consider a consumer solving the following maximization problem

KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 24: …},\ell^{\star} &̲ = & \arg\max_{…

Note that utility is monotonically increasing in consumption. This implies that

KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '\end' at position 13: c^{\star}=x \̲e̲n̲d̲{equation}$$

Question 1: Construct a function which solves the consumer given the parameters.

We choose the following parameter values


Question 2: Plot \ell^{\star} and cc^{\star} as functions of ww in the range 0.50.5 to 1.51.5.

Consider a population with N=1,000N=1,000 individuals indexed by ii.

Assume the distribution of wages is uniform such that


Denote the optimal choices of individual ii by i\ell_{i}^{\star} and cic_{i}^{\star}.

Question 3: Calculate the total tax revenue given by T=i=1N[τ0wii+τ1max{wiiκ,0}].T=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left[\tau_{0}w_{i}\ell_{i}^{\star}+\tau_{1}\max\{w_{i}\ell_{i}^{\star}-\kappa,0\}\right].

Question 4: What would the tax revenue be if instead ε=0.1\varepsilon=0.1?

Consider a politician who wishes to maximize the tax revenue.

Question 5: Which τ0\tau_{0}, τ1\tau_{1} and κ\kappa would you suggest her to implement? Report the tax revenue you expect to obtain.

4.1 Solution of question 1+2

All the basic functions are written in LaborSupplyModel.py.

import LaborSupplyModel as LSM

Define all parameters:

m = 1
nu = 10
frisch = 0.3
tau0 = 0.4
tau1 = 0.1
kappa = 0.4

Allocate arrays for solutions:

N = 1_000
w_vec = np.linspace(0.5,1.5,N)
l_vec = np.zeros(N)
c_vec = np.zeros(N)


for i in range(N):
    l_vec[i] = LSM.find_optimal_labor_supply(nu,frisch,m,w_vec[i],tau0,tau1,kappa)
    c_vec[i] = LSM.implied_c(l_vec[i],m,w_vec[i],tau0,tau1,kappa)

Plot results:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,4))

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax.set_ylabel('labor supply, $\ell$')
ax.set_xlabel('wage, $w$')
ax.set_title('Labor suppply')

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
ax.set_ylabel('consumption, $c$')
ax.set_xlabel('wage, $w$')

4.2 Solution of question 3

Calculate tax revnue using that a equally spaced vector approximates a uniform distribution:

T = np.sum(LSM.implied_tax(l_vec,w_vec,tau0,tau1,kappa))
print(f'total tax revenue is: {T:.4f}')
total tax revenue is: 163.0262

Using random sampling is also a possibility:

# a. set seed

# b. run replications
reps = 50
T_vec = np.zeros(reps)
for rep in range(reps):
    # i. draw randow wages
    w_vec_ = np.random.uniform(0.5,1.5,size=N)
    # ii. find labor supply
    l_vec_ = np.zeros(N)
    for i in range(N):
        l_vec_[i] = LSM.find_optimal_labor_supply(nu,frisch,m,w_vec_[i],tau0,tau1,kappa)

    # iii. find tax revenue
    T_vec[rep] = np.sum(LSM.implied_tax(l_vec_,w_vec_,tau0,tau1,kappa))
    if rep < 10 or rep%10 == 0:
        print(f'{rep:2d}: {T_vec[rep]:.4f}')

# c. mean
print(f'mean: {np.mean(T_vec):.4f} [{np.min(T_vec):.4f} {np.max(T_vec):.4f}]')
0: 159.7256 1: 164.1675 2: 166.3045 3: 164.1948 4: 162.4999 5: 162.3964 6: 164.1743 7: 162.2987 8: 163.5471 9: 159.5859 10: 165.9245 20: 165.1277 30: 162.2696 40: 160.8294 mean: 162.8388 [159.4760 166.3045]

4.3 Question 4

Re-solve with ϵ=0.1\epsilon = 0.1:

frisch_low = 0.1
l_vec_frisch_low = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(N):
    l_vec_frisch_low[i] = LSM.find_optimal_labor_supply(nu,frisch_low,m,w_vec[i],tau0,tau1,kappa)

Re-calculate tax revenue:

T_frisch_low = np.sum(LSM.implied_tax(l_vec_frisch_low,w_vec,tau0,tau1,kappa))
print(f'total tax revenue is: {T_frisch_low:.4f}')
total tax revenue is: 319.6932

Conclusion: Higher tax revenue because of lower Frish elasticity.

4.4 Question 5

Define function to calculate tax revenue for guess of tax parameters:

def tax_revenue(nu,frisch,m,w_vec,tau0,tau1,kappa):
    """ find total tax revenue and labor and consumpty
        nu (float): disutility of labor supply
        frisch (float): frisch elasticity of labor supply        
        m (float): cash-on-hand
        w_vec (np.array): wage
        tau0 (float): standard labor tax
        tau1 (float): top bracket labor income tax
        kappa (float): cut-off for the top labor income bracket
        (float): total tax revenue
    # a. optimal labor supply
    N = w_vec.size
    l_vec = np.zeros(N)
    for i in range(N):
        l_vec[i] = LSM.find_optimal_labor_supply(nu,frisch,m,w_vec[i],tau0,tau1,kappa)
    # b. taxes
    T = np.sum(LSM.implied_tax(l_vec,w_vec,tau0,tau1,kappa))    
    return T

Define objective function for optimizer:

def obj(x,nu,frisch_low,m,w_vec):
    """ find negative of total tax revenue 
        x (np.array): tax parameters
        nu (float): disutility of labor supply
        frisch (float): frisch elasticity of labor supply        
        m (float): cash-on-hand
        w_vec (np.array): wage
        (float): minus total tax revenue
    global it
    # a. determine parameters
    tau0 = x[0]
    if x.size > 1:
        tau1 = x[1]
        kappa = x[2]
        tau1 = 0.0
        kappa = 0.0
    # b. calculate tax revnue
    T = tax_revenue(nu,frisch_low,m,w_vec,tau0,tau1,kappa)
    # c. print
    print(f'{it:3d}: tau0 = {tau0:10.8f}, tau1 = {tau1:10.8f}, kappa = {kappa:10.8f} -> T = {T:12.8f},')        
    it += 1
    return -T


# a. initial guess and bounds
x0 = np.array([tau0,tau1,kappa])
bounds = ((0,0.99),(0,0.99),(0,1.5))

# b. call solver
it = 0
result = optimize.minimize(obj,x0,
0: tau0 = 0.40000000, tau1 = 0.10000000, kappa = 0.40000000 -> T = 163.02616378, 1: tau0 = 0.40000001, tau1 = 0.10000000, kappa = 0.40000000 -> T = 163.02616851, 2: tau0 = 0.40000000, tau1 = 0.10000001, kappa = 0.40000000 -> T = 163.02616360, 3: tau0 = 0.40000000, tau1 = 0.10000000, kappa = 0.40000001 -> T = 163.02616297, 4: tau0 = 0.99000000, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 126.64019548, 5: tau0 = 0.65141630, tau1 = 0.05738707, kappa = 0.22954827 -> T = 229.72387032, 6: tau0 = 0.65141632, tau1 = 0.05738707, kappa = 0.22954827 -> T = 229.72387232, 7: tau0 = 0.65141630, tau1 = 0.05738708, kappa = 0.22954827 -> T = 229.72386916, 8: tau0 = 0.65141630, tau1 = 0.05738707, kappa = 0.22954828 -> T = 229.72386990, 9: tau0 = 0.83055594, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 244.37775906, 10: tau0 = 0.83055595, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 244.37775743, 11: tau0 = 0.83055594, tau1 = 0.00000002, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 244.37775743, 12: tau0 = 0.83055594, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000002 -> T = 244.37775906, 13: tau0 = 0.74158445, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 244.91817967, 14: tau0 = 0.78344698, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.68817873, 15: tau0 = 0.78344700, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.68817879, 16: tau0 = 0.78344698, tau1 = 0.00000002, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.68817879, 17: tau0 = 0.78344698, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000002 -> T = 246.68817873, 18: tau0 = 0.78292530, tau1 = 0.00218034, kappa = 0.00231170 -> T = 246.68671540, 19: tau0 = 0.78323341, tau1 = 0.00089262, kappa = 0.00094640 -> T = 246.68955160, 20: tau0 = 0.78323342, tau1 = 0.00089262, kappa = 0.00094640 -> T = 246.68955164, 21: tau0 = 0.78323341, tau1 = 0.00089263, kappa = 0.00094640 -> T = 246.68955162, 22: tau0 = 0.78323341, tau1 = 0.00089262, kappa = 0.00094641 -> T = 246.68955158, 23: tau0 = 0.78944641, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.67582763, 24: tau0 = 0.78489861, tau1 = 0.00065338, kappa = 0.00069275 -> T = 246.69171799, 25: tau0 = 0.78489863, tau1 = 0.00065338, kappa = 0.00069275 -> T = 246.69171798, 26: tau0 = 0.78489861, tau1 = 0.00065339, kappa = 0.00069275 -> T = 246.69171797, 27: tau0 = 0.78489861, tau1 = 0.00065338, kappa = 0.00069276 -> T = 246.69171798, 28: tau0 = 0.78529735, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69219011, 29: tau0 = 0.78529737, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69219012, 30: tau0 = 0.78529735, tau1 = 0.00000001, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69219012, 31: tau0 = 0.78529735, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.69219011, 32: tau0 = 0.78563630, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69217763, 33: tau0 = 0.78544626, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221629, 34: tau0 = 0.78544627, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221629, 35: tau0 = 0.78544626, tau1 = 0.00000001, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221629, 36: tau0 = 0.78544626, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.69221629,

Have we found the global optimum?

Same result with another initial guess?

# a. initial guess and bounds
x0 = np.array([0.1,0.1,0.1])
bounds = ((0,0.99),(0,0.99),(0,1.5))

# b. call solver
it = 0
result = optimize.minimize(obj,x0,
0: tau0 = 0.10000000, tau1 = 0.10000000, kappa = 0.10000000 -> T = 76.28076412, 1: tau0 = 0.10000001, tau1 = 0.10000000, kappa = 0.10000000 -> T = 76.28077023, 2: tau0 = 0.10000000, tau1 = 0.10000001, kappa = 0.10000000 -> T = 76.28076871, 3: tau0 = 0.10000000, tau1 = 0.10000000, kappa = 0.10000001 -> T = 76.28076261, 4: tau0 = 0.99000000, tau1 = 0.99000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 0.01035071, 5: tau0 = 0.49818245, tau1 = 0.49818245, kappa = 0.05526040 -> T = 67.40157676, 6: tau0 = 0.29318084, tau1 = 0.29318084, kappa = 0.07829429 -> T = 194.35829361, 7: tau0 = 0.29318085, tau1 = 0.29318084, kappa = 0.07829429 -> T = 194.35829721, 8: tau0 = 0.29318084, tau1 = 0.29318085, kappa = 0.07829429 -> T = 194.35829598, 9: tau0 = 0.29318084, tau1 = 0.29318084, kappa = 0.07829430 -> T = 194.35828902, 10: tau0 = 0.98999997, tau1 = 0.02089256, kappa = 0.00000004 -> T = 0.00506983, 11: tau0 = 0.44431374, tau1 = 0.23412431, kappa = 0.06131307 -> T = 222.07538676, 12: tau0 = 0.44431375, tau1 = 0.23412431, kappa = 0.06131307 -> T = 222.07538912, 13: tau0 = 0.44431374, tau1 = 0.23412433, kappa = 0.06131307 -> T = 222.07538815, 14: tau0 = 0.44431374, tau1 = 0.23412431, kappa = 0.06131309 -> T = 222.07538306, 15: tau0 = 0.80863245, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.11525914, 16: tau0 = 0.80863247, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.11525838, 17: tau0 = 0.80863245, tau1 = 0.00000001, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.11525838, 18: tau0 = 0.80863245, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.11525914, 19: tau0 = 0.74188618, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 244.94144160, 20: tau0 = 0.78380481, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.68949142, 21: tau0 = 0.78380483, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.68949147, 22: tau0 = 0.78380481, tau1 = 0.00000001, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.68949147, 23: tau0 = 0.78380481, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.68949142, 24: tau0 = 0.78530195, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00001074 -> T = 246.69219127, 25: tau0 = 0.78530197, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00001074 -> T = 246.69219128, 26: tau0 = 0.78530195, tau1 = 0.00000001, kappa = 0.00001074 -> T = 246.69219128, 27: tau0 = 0.78530195, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00001076 -> T = 246.69219127, 28: tau0 = 0.78542437, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00001058 -> T = 246.69221412, 29: tau0 = 0.78542438, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00001058 -> T = 246.69221412, 30: tau0 = 0.78542437, tau1 = 0.00000001, kappa = 0.00001058 -> T = 246.69221412, 31: tau0 = 0.78542437, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00001060 -> T = 246.69221412,

Can we improve if we force τ1=κ=0\tau_1 = \kappa = 0?

# a. initial guess and bounds
x0 = np.array([result.x[0]])
bounds = ((0,0.99),)

# b. call solver
it = 0
result = optimize.minimize(obj,x0,
0: tau0 = 0.78542437, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221412, 1: tau0 = 0.78542438, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221412, 2: tau0 = 0.80214800, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.39765662, 3: tau0 = 0.78709673, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.68943799, 4: tau0 = 0.78559161, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69219185, 5: tau0 = 0.78544109, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221634, 6: tau0 = 0.78544111, tau1 = 0.00000000, kappa = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221634,

Can we improve if fix κ\kappa to some value?

def obj_kappa(x,nu,frisch_low,m,w_vec,kappa):
    """ find negative of total tax revenue 
        x (np.array): tax parameters
        nu (float): disutility of labor supply
        frisch (float): frisch elasticity of labor supply        
        m (float): cash-on-hand
        w_vec (np.array): wage
        kappa (float): cut-off for the top labor income bracket
        (float): minus total tax revenue
    global it
    # a. determine parameters
    tau0 = x[0]
    tau1 = x[1]
    # b. calculate tax revnue
    T = tax_revenue(nu,frisch_low,m,w_vec,tau0,tau1,kappa)
    # c. print
    print(f' {it:3d}: tau0 = {tau0:10.8f}, tau1 = {tau1:10.8f} -> T = {T:12.8f},')        
    it += 1
    return -T
# a. initial guess and bounds
x0 = np.array([0.1,0.1])
bounds = ((0,0.99),(0,0.99))

# b. call solver
for kappa in [0.05,0.10,0.15]:
    print(f'kappa = {kappa:.3f}')
    it = 0
    result = optimize.minimize(obj_kappa,x0,
kappa = 0.050 0: tau0 = 0.10000000, tau1 = 0.10000000 -> T = 81.36739300, 1: tau0 = 0.10000001, tau1 = 0.10000000 -> T = 81.36739911, 2: tau0 = 0.10000000, tau1 = 0.10000001 -> T = 81.36739835, 3: tau0 = 0.99000000, tau1 = 0.99000000 -> T = 49.49767585, 4: tau0 = 0.52520516, tau1 = 0.52520516 -> T = 26.26236071, 5: tau0 = 0.28194740, tau1 = 0.28194740 -> T = 198.06712916, 6: tau0 = 0.28194741, tau1 = 0.28194740 -> T = 198.06713300, 7: tau0 = 0.28194740, tau1 = 0.28194741 -> T = 198.06713222, 8: tau0 = 0.99000000, tau1 = 0.06545131 -> T = 49.49844200, 9: tau0 = 0.45250159, tau1 = 0.22979829 -> T = 225.71732910, 10: tau0 = 0.45250160, tau1 = 0.22979829 -> T = 225.71733140, 11: tau0 = 0.45250159, tau1 = 0.22979830 -> T = 225.71733061, 12: tau0 = 0.85947869, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 239.89872701, 13: tau0 = 0.85947871, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 239.89872396, 14: tau0 = 0.85947869, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 239.89872316, 15: tau0 = 0.75860649, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.00412507, 16: tau0 = 0.75860651, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.00412582, 17: tau0 = 0.75860649, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.00412502, 18: tau0 = 0.77834099, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.64182853, 19: tau0 = 0.77834101, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.64182874, 20: tau0 = 0.77834099, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.64182795, 21: tau0 = 0.78606953, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69181708, 22: tau0 = 0.78606955, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69181707, 23: tau0 = 0.78606953, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.69181627, 24: tau0 = 0.78548170, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221392, 25: tau0 = 0.78548171, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221392, 26: tau0 = 0.78548170, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.69221313, 27: tau0 = 0.78542392, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221411, 28: tau0 = 0.78545186, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221609, 29: tau0 = 0.78545187, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221609, 30: tau0 = 0.78545186, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.69221529, 31: tau0 = 0.78542858, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221416, 32: tau0 = 0.78544774, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221625, kappa = 0.100 0: tau0 = 0.10000000, tau1 = 0.10000000 -> T = 76.28076412, 1: tau0 = 0.10000001, tau1 = 0.10000000 -> T = 76.28077023, 2: tau0 = 0.10000000, tau1 = 0.10000001 -> T = 76.28076871, 3: tau0 = 0.98999999, tau1 = 0.98999999 -> T = 90.59922224, 4: tau0 = 0.55520801, tau1 = 0.55520802 -> T = 55.52239483, 5: tau0 = 0.31400131, tau1 = 0.31400131 -> T = 194.79427716, 6: tau0 = 0.31400132, tau1 = 0.31400131 -> T = 194.79428024, 7: tau0 = 0.31400131, tau1 = 0.31400132 -> T = 194.79427867, 8: tau0 = 0.99000000, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 126.64019550, 9: tau0 = 0.52121141, tau1 = 0.21775224 -> T = 221.53210126, 10: tau0 = 0.52121143, tau1 = 0.21775224 -> T = 221.53210246, 11: tau0 = 0.52121141, tau1 = 0.21775225 -> T = 221.53210087, 12: tau0 = 0.81041550, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.02007389, 13: tau0 = 0.81041552, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.02007306, 14: tau0 = 0.81041550, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.02007147, 15: tau0 = 0.78172715, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.67830312, 16: tau0 = 0.78172717, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.67830323, 17: tau0 = 0.78172715, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.67830164, 18: tau0 = 0.78510558, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69209528, 19: tau0 = 0.78510559, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69209529, 20: tau0 = 0.78510558, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.69209370, 21: tau0 = 0.78543659, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221396, 22: tau0 = 0.78543661, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221396, 23: tau0 = 0.78543659, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.69221237, kappa = 0.150 0: tau0 = 0.10000000, tau1 = 0.10000000 -> T = 71.19449111, 1: tau0 = 0.10000001, tau1 = 0.10000000 -> T = 71.19449721, 2: tau0 = 0.10000000, tau1 = 0.10000001 -> T = 71.19449494, 3: tau0 = 0.99000000, tau1 = 0.99000000 -> T = 115.66422795, 4: tau0 = 0.58111293, tau1 = 0.58111293 -> T = 87.16776654, 5: tau0 = 0.35318417, tau1 = 0.35318417 -> T = 185.23989576, 6: tau0 = 0.35318419, tau1 = 0.35318417 -> T = 185.23989691, 7: tau0 = 0.35318417, tau1 = 0.35318419 -> T = 185.23989606, 8: tau0 = 0.70496498, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 241.12513664, 9: tau0 = 0.70496500, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 241.12513855, 10: tau0 = 0.70496498, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 241.12513622, 11: tau0 = 0.76468955, tau1 = 0.00000010 -> T = 246.27526239, 12: tau0 = 0.76468956, tau1 = 0.00000010 -> T = 246.27526298, 13: tau0 = 0.76468955, tau1 = 0.00000011 -> T = 246.27526071, 14: tau0 = 0.79120338, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.65813176, 15: tau0 = 0.79120340, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.65813158, 16: tau0 = 0.79120338, tau1 = 0.00000001 -> T = 246.65812937, 17: tau0 = 0.78503003, tau1 = 0.00000003 -> T = 246.69203732, 18: tau0 = 0.78503004, tau1 = 0.00000003 -> T = 246.69203733, 19: tau0 = 0.78503003, tau1 = 0.00000004 -> T = 246.69203511, 20: tau0 = 0.78541803, tau1 = 0.00000008 -> T = 246.69220251, 21: tau0 = 0.78541805, tau1 = 0.00000008 -> T = 246.69220251, 22: tau0 = 0.78541803, tau1 = 0.00000009 -> T = 246.69220029, 23: tau0 = 0.78543099, tau1 = 0.00000004 -> T = 246.69220883, 24: tau0 = 0.78543100, tau1 = 0.00000004 -> T = 246.69220883, 25: tau0 = 0.78543099, tau1 = 0.00000005 -> T = 246.69220661, 26: tau0 = 0.78543063, tau1 = 0.00000000 -> T = 246.69221417,

Suggestions for other tests?

5. Summary

Main takeway: You are actually already equipped to solve a lot of interesting economic models!!!

  1. Structure your code (with modules, SimpleNamespaces, functions, classes etc.)
  2. Use optimizers and root-finding to find (optimal) agent behavior
  3. Use root-finding to find equilibrium prices
  4. Use random numbers to simulate behavior

Your challenge: Come up with ideas for models to solve... and just get started.

Next time: Pandas, the central Python package for working with data.

My own research: Uses the EconModel package.