Lecture 04: Random numbers and simulation

You will learn how to use a random number generator with a seed and produce simulation results (numpy.random, scipy.stats), and calcuate the expected value of a random variable through Monte Carlo integration. You will learn how to save your results for later use (pickle). Finally, you will learn how to make your figures interactive (ipywidgets).

Imports: We now import all the modules, we need for this notebook. Importing everything in the beginning makes it more clear what modules the notebook relies on.

import math
import pickle
import numpy as np

from scipy.stats import norm # normal distribution

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ipywidgets as widgets

1. Exchange economy with many consumers

Consider an exchange economy with

  1. 2 goods, (x1,x2)(x_1,x_2)
  2. NN consumers indexed by j{1,2,,N}j \in \{1,2,\dots,N\}
  3. Preferences are Cobb-Douglas with uniformly heterogenous coefficients
uj(x1,x2)=x1αjx21αjαjU(μ,μ)0<μ<μ<1\begin{aligned} u^{j}(x_{1},x_{2}) & = x_{1}^{\alpha_{j}}x_{2}^{1-\alpha_{j}}\\ & \,\,\,\alpha_{j}\sim\mathcal{U}(\underline{\mu},\overline{\mu})\\ & \,\,\,0<\underline{\mu}<\overline{\mu}<1 \end{aligned}
  1. Endowments are homogenous and given by

where good 2 is numeraire.

The implied demand functions are:

x1j(p1,p2,ej)=αjIp1=αjkp1+p2p1x2j(p1,p2,ej)=(1αj)Ip2=(1αj)kp1+p2p2\begin{aligned} x_{1}^{\star j}(p_{1},p_{2},e^{j})&=&\alpha_{j}\frac{I}{p_{1}}=\alpha_{j}\frac{kp_{1}+p_{2}}{p_{1}} \\ x_{2}^{\star j}(p_{1},p_{2},e^{j})&=&(1-\alpha_{j})\frac{I}{p_{2}}=(1-\alpha_{j})\frac{kp_{1}+p_{2}}{p_{2}} \end{aligned}

The equilibrium for a random draw of α={α1,α2,,αN}\alpha = \{\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_N\} is a set of prices p1p_1 and p2p_2 satifying:

x1(p1,p2)=j=1Nx1j(p1,p2,ej)=j=1Ne1j=Nkx2(p1,p2)=j=1Nx2j(p1,p2,ej)=j=1Ne2j=N\begin{aligned} x_1(p_1,p_2) = \sum_{j=1}^N x_{1}^{\star j}(p_{1},p_{2},e^{j}) &= \sum_{j=1}^N e_1^j = Nk \\ x_2(p_1,p_2) = \sum_{j=1}^N x_{2}^{\star j}(p_{1},p_{2},e^{j}) &= \sum_{j=1}^N e_2^j = N \end{aligned}

Problem: Solve for this equilibrium.
But this requires a distribution of agents. Which means randomness.
We need a random number generator (RNG)!

2. Random numbers

The two main approaches to generating random numbers are:

  1. Physical observations of random processes (radioactive decay, atmospheric noise, roulette wheels, etc.)
  2. Algorithms creating pseudo-random numbers. Numbers that are determined by the algo but appear random.

Pseudo-random numbers satisfy propoerties such that they are as good as random. It should be impossible (for all practical purposes) to calculate, or otherwise guess, from any given subsequence, any previous or future values in the sequence.

More information: See this video by Infinite Series.

2.1 Numpy

Numpy provides various functions for drawing random numbers. We can, for example, draw random integers between 0 and 10000:

X = np.random.randint(0,10000,size=5)
[4444 6433 9523 5280 9062]

Problem: How can we reproduce our results the next time we open Python?

Solution: Use a seed. This will fix the algorithm to give the same set numbers each time.
Choose the seed, and reset the random number generator:

print('set seed to 2000 and create numbers:')

print('\nreset algorithm by stating the same seed again:')
set seed to 2000 and create numbers: [0.57051729 0.56452876 0.48844183 0.33647775 0.37586818] reset algorithm by stating the same seed again: [0.57051729 0.56452876 0.48844183 0.33647775 0.37586818]

Note: The first and third draws above are exactly the same.

We can also save and load the state of the random number generator.

# a. save state
state = np.random.get_state()
print('generate numbers from current state:')

# b. draw some random number
print('\nchange state by generating some more numbers:')

# c. reset state 

# d. draw the same random numbers again
print('\ngenerate numbers from past state by reloading state:')
generate numbers from current state: [0.53203587 0.06810629 0.58452906 0.23789776 0.16075658] change state by generating some more numbers: [0.15211915 0.12706922 0.32744117 0.69415387 0.35896647] generate numbers from past state by reloading state: [0.53203587 0.06810629 0.58452906 0.23789776 0.16075658]

Important: You should only set the seed once per program. Changing seed might brake randomness.

2.2 Different distributions

Draw random numbers from various distributions: normal, beta, uniform.

X = np.random.normal(loc=0,scale=1,size=10**6)
Y = np.random.beta(a=5,b=2,size=10**6)
Z = np.random.uniform(low=-2,high=2,size=10**6)

Create a user-defined probability distribution with np.random.choice

# a. Support of distribution
vec = np.array([-2.5,-2.0,-1.5,-1.0,-0.5,0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2])

# b. Define probabilities
prob = np.exp(np.linspace(-1,1,vec.size))**1.1254 # all positive numbers
prob /= np.sum(prob) # make probabilities sum to one

# c. Get draws from distribution
K = np.random.choice(vec,size=10**6,p=prob)

Plot the various distributions:

fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.hist(X,bins=100,density=True,alpha=0.5,label='normal') # alpha < 1 = transparent
ax.legend(loc='upper left'); # note: the ; stops output from being printed

Task: Follow this link. Choose a distribution and add it to the figure above.

2.3 Analytical results

Sometimes, you want to compare a distribution of numbers to a known distribution.
For instance, how close are our draws to a normal distribution?
In this case, the scipy.stats.norm module comes in handy.
It operates differently from numpy. It creates an object to generate numbers from rather than just making an array at once.

from scipy.stats import norm

# a. create analytical distribution
loc_guess = 0.25
scale_guess = 0.75

# Alternative: estimate the guesses
# loc_guess, scale_guess = norm.fit(X)

# Object to generate random numbers based on parameters
F = norm(loc=loc_guess,scale=scale_guess)
rnd = F.rvs(5) # example: create 5 random draws from the distribution F
print(f'F pdf at 0.0: {F.pdf(0.0): 1.3f} \nF cdf at 0.0: {F.cdf(0.0): 1.3f}') # the object F has several useful functions available  

# b. vector of x values
x_low = F.ppf(0.001) # x value where cdf is 0.001
x_high = F.ppf(0.999) # x value where cdf is 0.999
x_support = np.linspace(x_low,x_high,100)
x_guess = F.pdf(x_support) # call F to evaluate density at x_support

# c. compare X from before with new distribution
fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.hist(X,bins=100,density=True,histtype='stepfilled'); # plot X using a histogram
F pdf at 0.0: 0.503 F cdf at 0.0: 0.369
# Scipy is built on Numpy. So the seed set by Numpy is carried over to Scipy.
[ 1.46825902 -0.20881731 -0.14612881 -0.55472647 0.89905572] [ 1.46825902 -0.20881731 -0.14612881 -0.55472647 0.89905572]

Task: Make the pdf fit the historgram closely.

3. Demand

Warm-up: Choose parameters and define demand functions.

# a. parameters
N = 1000 # number of agents
k = 2 # relative endowment of good 1
mu_low = 0.1 # lower bound on alpha
mu_high = 0.9 # upper bound on alpha

# b. demand functions
def demand_good_1_func(alpha,p1,p2,k):
    I = k*p1+p2
    return alpha*I/p1

def demand_good_2_func(alpha,p1,p2,k):
    I = k*p1+p2
    return (1-alpha)*I/p2

Quizz: take a quick quizz regarding the demand functions.

x1(p1,p2)=j=1Nx1j(p1,p2,ej)=αjkp1+p2p1x_1(p_1,p_2) = \sum_{j=1}^N x_{1}^{\star j}(p_{1},p_{2},e^{j}) = \alpha_{j}\frac{kp_{1}+p_{2}}{p_{1}}

Find demand distribution and total demand:

def find_demand_good_1(alphas,p1,p2,k):
    distr = demand_good_1_func(alphas,p1,p2,k) # Notice we are passing in arrays of alphas together with scalars! It works because of numpy broadcasting.
    total = distr.sum()
    return distr,total

Calculate for various prices:

# a. draw alphas
alphas = np.random.uniform(low=mu_low, high=mu_high, size=N)

# b. a set of hypothetical prices
p1_vec = [0.5,1,2,5]
p2 = 1

# c. calculate demand given
dists = np.empty((len(p1_vec),N))
totals = np.empty(len(p1_vec))
for i,p1 in enumerate(p1_vec):
    dist,total = find_demand_good_1(alphas,p1,p2,k)
    dists[i,:] = dist
    totals[i] = total

Plot the resulting demand given prices

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))

ax_left = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax_left.set_title('Distributions of demand')
for i,p1 in enumerate(p1_vec):
    ax_left.hist(dists[i],density=True,alpha=0.5,label=f'$p_1 = {p1}$')
ax_left.legend(loc='upper right')

ax_right = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
ax_right.set_title('Total demand given $p_1$')

4. Interactive figures

Create a function constructing a figure:

# This function tells the widget how the plot should look at a specific parametrization 
def interactive_figure(alphas,p1,p2,k):
    # a. calculations
    dist,_total = find_demand_good_1(alphas,p1,p2,k)
    # b. figure
    fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    ax.set_xlim([0,4]) # fixed x range
    ax.set_ylim([0,0.8]) # fixed y range

Case 1: Make it interactive with a slider

# Write out which arguments to interactive_figure you want to be changing or staying fixed 
    p1=widgets.FloatSlider(description="$p_1$", min=0.1, max=5, step=0.05, value=2),
interactive(children=(FloatSlider(value=2.0, description='$p_1$', max=5.0, min=0.1, step=0.05), Output()), _do…

Case 2: Make it interactive with a textbox:

    p1=widgets.FloatText(description="$p_1$", value=2),
interactive(children=(FloatText(value=2.0, description='$p_1$'), Output()), _dom_classes=('widget-interact',))

Case 3: Make it interactive with a dropdown menu

    p1=widgets.Dropdown(description="$p_1$", options=[0.5,1,1.5,2.0,2.5,3], value=2),
interactive(children=(Dropdown(description='$p_1$', index=3, options=(0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3), value=2.0), O…

Task: Add a slider for \(k\) to the interactive figure below.

# change this code
    p1=widgets.FloatSlider(description="$p_1$", min=0.1, max=5, step=0.05, value=2),
interactive(children=(FloatSlider(value=2.0, description='$p_1$', max=5.0, min=0.1, step=0.05), Output()), _do…

5. Equilibrium

The equilibrium conditions were that excess demand, ZZ, is = 0 for both goods:

j=1Nx1j(p1,p2,ej)=NkZ1j=1Nx1j(p1,p2,ej)Nk=0j=1Nx2j(p1,p2,ej)=NZ2j=1Nx2j(p1,p2,ej)N=0\begin{aligned} \sum_{j=1}^N x_{1}^{\star j}(p_{1},p_{2},e^{j}) &= Nk \Leftrightarrow Z_1 \equiv \sum_{j=1}^N x_{1}^{\star j}(p_{1},p_{2},e^{j}) - Nk = 0 \\ \sum_{j=1}^N x_{2}^{\star j}(p_{1},p_{2},e^{j}) &= N \Leftrightarrow Z_2 \equiv \sum_{j=1}^N x_{2}^{\star j}(p_{1},p_{2},e^{j}) - N = 0 \end{aligned}

Idea: Solve just the first equation. Then the second is satisfied due to Walras's law.

First choose a tolerance ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 and an adjustment factor κ>0\kappa>0, and a guess on p1>0p_1 > 0.

Then find the equilibrium price by following iterative algorithm:

  1. Calculate total excess demand of good 1: Z1=j=1Nx1j(p1,p2,ej)NkZ_1 = \sum_{j=1}^N x_{1}^{\star j}(p_{1},p_{2},e^{j}) - Nk
  2. If Z1<ϵ|Z_1| < \epsilon stop
  3. If Z1ϵ|Z_1| \geq \epsilon set p1=p1+κZ1Np_1 = p_1 + \kappa \cdot \frac{Z_1}{N}
  4. Return to step 1

If excess demand is positive and far from 0, then increase the price.
If excess demand is negative and far from 0, then decrease the price.

# Use the functions in module market_eq
%load_ext autoreload 
%autoreload 2
from market_eq import * 

Finding the equilibrium price.
See market_eq.py for implementation.

p1_guess = 1.4
p2 = 1
kappa = 0.1
eps = 1e-8
p1 = find_equilibrium(alphas,p1_guess,p2,k,kappa=kappa,eps=eps)
0: p1 = 1.33614049 -> excess demand -> -638.59506505 1: p1 = 1.27399328 -> excess demand -> -621.47217154 2: p1 = 1.21367725 -> excess demand -> -603.16023881 3: p1 = 1.15531779 -> excess demand -> -583.59459622 4: p1 = 1.09904589 -> excess demand -> -562.71902599 ... 25: p1 = 0.52566696 -> excess demand -> -52.05606051 50: p1 = 0.50324571 -> excess demand -> -0.23547924 75: p1 = 0.50315075 -> excess demand -> -0.00094377 100: p1 = 0.50315037 -> excess demand -> -0.00000378 125: p1 = 0.50315037 -> excess demand -> -0.00000002 127: p1 = 0.50315037 -> excess demand -> -0.00000001

Check: Ensure that excess demand of both goods are (almost) zero.

Z1 = excess_demand_good_1_func(alphas,p1,p2,k)
Z2 = excess_demand_good_2_func(alphas,p1,p2,k)
assert np.abs(Z1) < eps
assert np.abs(Z2) < eps
-9.737505024531856e-09 4.8994479584507644e-09

Quizz: take a quick quizz on the algorithm here

6. Numerical integration by Monte Carlo

Numerical integration is the task of computing

E[g(x)] where xF,\mathbb{E}[\mathbf{g}(x)] \text{ where } x \sim F,

where FF is a known probability distribution and g()\mathbf{g}(\cdot) is a function. In terms of a integral this can also be writen as

E[g(x)]=xXg(x)dF(x)=xXg(x)f(x)dx\mathbb{E}[\mathbf{g}(x)] = \int_{x\in\mathcal{X}} \mathbf{g}(x) dF(x) = \int_{x\in\mathcal{X}} \mathbf{g}(x) f(x) dx

where ff is the PDF for the CDF FF and X\mathcal{X} is the domain of xx.

In an economic model, g\mathbf{g} might represent the way the state of an agent or the economy develops stochastically.

Relying on the law of large numbers we approximate the true integral with a finite sample:

E[g(x)]1Ni=1Ng(xi)\mathbb{E}[\mathbf{g}(x)] \approx \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N} \mathbf{g}(x_i)

where xix_i is drawn from FF using a random number generator. This is also called numerical integration by Monte Carlo.

For an easy implementation, we use

g(x)=(x2)2\mathbf{g}(x) = (x-2)^2

Monte Carlo function:

def g(x):
    return (x-2)**2

def MC(N,g,F):
    X = F.rvs(size=N) # rvs = draw N random values from F
    return np.mean(g(X)) # apply g to X

Example with a normal distribution:

N = 1000
mu = 0.1
sigma = 0.5
F = norm(loc=mu,scale=sigma)
mc_integral = MC(N,g,F)
print('E[g(x)] =', mc_integral)
E[g(x)] = 3.7852472195251456

Function for drawning \( K \) Monte Carlo samples:

def MC_sample(N,g,F,K):
    results = np.empty(K)
    for i in range(K):
        results[i] = MC(N,g,F)

    return results

The variance across Monte Carlo samples falls with larger NN:

K = 1000
for N in [10**2,10**3,10**4,10**5]:
    results = MC_sample(N,g,F,K)
    print(f'N = {N:8d}: {results.mean():.6f} (std: {results.std():.4f})')
N = 100: 3.851283 (std: 0.1937) N = 1000: 3.858242 (std: 0.0596) N = 10000: 3.860276 (std: 0.0193) N = 100000: 3.860187 (std: 0.0060)

In principle, you can always use Monte Carlo. But if g\mathbf{g} had been a very computationally costly function, Monte Carlo would be infeasible. But there are other ways, see Appendix.

7. Load and save variables

7.1 Pickle

A good allround method for loading and saving is to use pickle. Here is how to save:

# a. variables
my_dict = {'a':1,'b':2}
my_vec = np.array([1,2,3])
my_tupple = (1,4,2)

# b. put them in a dictionary
my_data = {}
my_data['my_dict'] = my_dict
my_data['my_vec'] = my_vec
my_data['my_tupple'] = my_tupple

# c. save the dictionary in a file
with open(f'data.p', 'wb') as f: # wb = write binary
    pickle.dump(my_data, f)

Delete the variables:

del my_dict
del my_vec
del my_tupple

Load the data again:

# a. try
    print('my_vec does not exist')
# b. load    
with open(f'data.p', 'rb') as f: # rb = read binary
    data = pickle.load(f)
    my_dict = data['my_dict']
    my_vec = data['my_vec']
    my_tupple = data['my_tupple']
# c. try again
my_vec does not exist [1 2 3] (1, 4, 2)

7.2 Saving with numpy

When only saving/loading numpy arrays, an alternative is to use np.savez (or np.savez_compressed). This is typically faster than pickle.

Here is how to save some data:

my_data = {}
my_data['A'] = np.array([1,2,3])
my_data['B'] = np.zeros((5,8))
my_data['C'] = np.ones((7,3,8))
np.savez(f'data.npz', **my_data)
# '**' unpacks the dictionary

Here is how to load the data again:

# a. delete
del my_data

# a. load all
my_data = {}
with np.load(f'data.npz') as data_obj:
    for key in data_obj.files:
        my_data[key] = data_obj[key]

# b. load single array
X = np.load(f'data.npz')['A']
[1 2 3] [1 2 3]

7.3 Create a class to generate random numbers

class dice_cup:
    def __init__(self,ndice):
        self.ndice = ndice
    def roll(self):
        self.dice = np.random.randint(1,7,size=self.ndice)
    def shuffle(self):
    def roll_and_sum(self):
my_dice_cup = dice_cup(4)
[2 5 1 5] [1 5 5 2]

Task: Add a method roll_and_sum() to the class above, which rolls and print the sum of the dice. Compare the value of your roll to your neighbor.
(You can delete the pass statement when starting to code. It's there to inform Python that roll_and_sum() is well defined as Python cannot handle a totally codeless function)

8. Summary

This lecture: We have talked about:

  1. numpy.random: Drawing (pseudo-)random numbers (seed, state, distributions)
  2. scipy.stats: Using analytical random distributions (ppf, pdf, cdf, rvs)
  3. ipywidgets: Making interactive figures
  4. pickle and np.savez: Saving and loading data

The method you learned for finding the equilibrium can be used in a lot of models. For example, a simple method can be applied with multiple goods.

Your work: Before solving Problem Set 2 read through this notebook and play around with the code.

Next lecture: Workflow and debugging. Go through these guides beforehand:

  1. Installing Python and VSCode
  2. Running Python in JupyterLab
  3. Running Python in VSCode

You must have installed git and have a GitHub account! (step 2 in Installing Python and VSCode).

Finally: You can begin to think about who you want to work together with for the group assignments. We will talk more about inaugural project next-time.

8.1 Advanced: Middle-square method for generating random numbers

Proposed by John von Neumann:

  1. Start with a NN digit number
  2. Square the number
  3. Pad the number with leading zeros making it a 2N2N digit number
  4. Extract the middle NN digits (your random number)
  5. Return to step 1 to generate one more

Pro: Simple and easy to implement. Conceptually somewhat similar to more advanced methods (e.g. Mersenne-Twister used by numpy).

Con: Cycles can be no longer than 8N8^N periods. Many repeating cycles are very short. Internal state is directly observable.

Conclusion: Can not be used in practice.

Code: An implementation in Python for N=4N = 4 digit random integers:

def rng(number,max_iter=100): 
    already_seen = [] # list of seen numbers
    i = 0
    while number not in already_seen and i < max_iter:
        squared = number**2
        padded = str(squared).zfill(8) # add leading zeros
        number = int(padded[2:6]) # extract middle 4 numbers
        print(f"square = {squared:8d}, padded = {padded} -> {number:4d}")
        i += 1

A reasonable cycle:

square = 21650409, padded = 21650409 -> 6504 square = 42302016, padded = 42302016 -> 3020 square = 9120400, padded = 09120400 -> 1204 square = 1449616, padded = 01449616 -> 4496 square = 20214016, padded = 20214016 -> 2140 square = 4579600, padded = 04579600 -> 5796 square = 33593616, padded = 33593616 -> 5936 square = 35236096, padded = 35236096 -> 2360 square = 5569600, padded = 05569600 -> 5696 square = 32444416, padded = 32444416 -> 4444 square = 19749136, padded = 19749136 -> 7491 square = 56115081, padded = 56115081 -> 1150 square = 1322500, padded = 01322500 -> 3225 square = 10400625, padded = 10400625 -> 4006 square = 16048036, padded = 16048036 -> 480 square = 230400, padded = 00230400 -> 2304 square = 5308416, padded = 05308416 -> 3084 square = 9511056, padded = 09511056 -> 5110 square = 26112100, padded = 26112100 -> 1121 square = 1256641, padded = 01256641 -> 2566 square = 6584356, padded = 06584356 -> 5843 square = 34140649, padded = 34140649 -> 1406 square = 1976836, padded = 01976836 -> 9768 square = 95413824, padded = 95413824 -> 4138 square = 17123044, padded = 17123044 -> 1230 square = 1512900, padded = 01512900 -> 5129 square = 26306641, padded = 26306641 -> 3066 square = 9400356, padded = 09400356 -> 4003 square = 16024009, padded = 16024009 -> 240 square = 57600, padded = 00057600 -> 576 square = 331776, padded = 00331776 -> 3317 square = 11002489, padded = 11002489 -> 24 square = 576, padded = 00000576 -> 5 square = 25, padded = 00000025 -> 0 square = 0, padded = 00000000 -> 0

A short cycle:

square = 291600, padded = 00291600 -> 2916 square = 8503056, padded = 08503056 -> 5030 square = 25300900, padded = 25300900 -> 3009 square = 9054081, padded = 09054081 -> 540

No cycle at all:

square = 14379264, padded = 14379264 -> 3792

8.2 Advanced: Gauss-Hermite quadrature

Problem: Numerical integration by Monte Carlo is slow.

Solution: Use smarter integration formulas on the form

E[g(x)]i=1nwig(xi)\mathbb{E}[g(x)] \approx \sum_{i=1}^{n} w_ig(x_i)

where (xi,wi),n{1,2,,N}(x_i,w_i), \forall n \in \{1,2,\dots,N\}, are called quadrature nodes and weights and are provided by some theoretical formula depending on the distribution of xx.

Example I, Normal: If xN(μ,σ)x \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma) then we can use Gauss-Hermite quadrature as implemented below.

def gauss_hermite(n):
    """ gauss-hermite nodes


        n (int): number of points


        x (numpy.ndarray): nodes of length n
        w (numpy.ndarray): weights of length n


    # a. calculations
    i = np.arange(1,n)
    a = np.sqrt(i/2)
    CM = np.diag(a,1) + np.diag(a,-1)
    L,V = np.linalg.eig(CM)
    I = L.argsort()
    V = V[:,I].T

    # b. nodes and weights
    x = L[I]
    w = np.sqrt(math.pi)*V[:,0]**2

    return x,w
def normal_gauss_hermite(sigma, n=7, mu=None, exp=False):
    """ normal gauss-hermite nodes


        sigma (double): standard deviation
        n (int): number of points
        mu (double,optinal): mean
        exp (bool,optinal): take exp and correct mean (if not specified)


        x (numpy.ndarray): nodes of length n
        w (numpy.ndarray): weights of length n


    if sigma == 0.0 or n == 1:
        x = np.ones(n)
        if mu is not None:
            x += mu
        w = np.ones(n)
        return x,w

    # a. GaussHermite
    x,w = gauss_hermite(n)
    x *= np.sqrt(2)*sigma 

    # b. log-normality
    if exp:
        if mu is None:
            x = np.exp(x - 0.5*sigma**2)
            x = np.exp(x + mu)
        if mu is None:
            x = x 
            x = x + mu

    w /= np.sqrt(math.pi)

    return x,w

Results: Becuase the function is "nice", very few quadrature points are actually needed (not generally true).

for n in [1,2,3,5,7,9,11]:
    x,w = normal_gauss_hermite(mu=mu,sigma=sigma,n=n)
    result = np.sum(w*g(x))
    print(f'n = {n:3d}: {result:.10f}')
n = 1: 0.8100000000 n = 2: 3.8600000000 n = 3: 3.8600000000 n = 5: 3.8600000000 n = 7: 3.8600000000 n = 9: 3.8600000000 n = 11: 3.8600000000

Example II, log-normal (more info):

  1. Let logxN(μ,σ)\log x \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma).
  2. Gauss-Hermite quadrature nodes and weights can be used with the option exp=True.
  3. To ensure E[x]=1\mathbb{E}[x] = 1 then μ=0.5σ2\mu = -0.5\sigma^2.
z = np.random.normal(size=1_000_000,scale=sigma)

print('mean(x) when mu = 0')
x,w = normal_gauss_hermite(mu=0,sigma=sigma,n=7,exp=True)
print(f'MC: {np.mean(np.exp(z)):.4f}')
print(f'Gauss-Hermite: {np.sum(x*w):.4f}')

print('mean(x), mu = -0.5*sigma^2')
x,w = normal_gauss_hermite(sigma=sigma,n=7,exp=True)
print(f'MC: {np.mean(np.exp(z)-0.5*sigma**2):.4f}')
print(f'Gauss-Hermite: {np.sum(x*w):.4f}')
mean(x) when mu = 0 MC: 1.1331 Gauss-Hermite: 1.1331 mean(x), mu = -0.5*sigma^2 MC: 1.0081 Gauss-Hermite: 1.0000