Lecture 03: Optimize, print and plot
As the very first thing: take this quiz
Today, we will be: 1. Introducing the main package for handling numerical data numpy. 2. Defining a utility function to be used in a optimization problem. 3. Describing this function in figures using the library matplotlib. 4. Solving a numerical optimization problems using the module optimize from scipy. 5. Reporting the results in text using formatted prints as well as in figures.
More links:
- print: examples (very detailed)
- numpy: detailed tutorial
- matplotlib: examples, documentation, styles
- scipy-optimize: documentation
Your computer can only do a specific numerical implementation:
Let the utility function be Cobb-Douglas,
We then know the solution is given by
which implies that is the budget share of the first good and is the budget share of the second good.
We know what to do here with pen and paper.
But how do we solve nicely using Python? This is what we'll do today..
2. Numerical python (numpy)
- In L02, we only used base Python. The set of operations and containers baked into the core of Python.
- Now we are importing the package numpy (which you got through the Anaconda distribution).
- Numpy is the package for handling data going into mathmatical operations (base Python isn't great there).
- It is build around it's container, the ndarray, for which there is a bunch of especially made routines.
- The routines (multiplications, matrix algebra, etc) are highly efficient. Implemented in C-code.
- A list (which is base Python) and a ndarray are thus different things that behave differently.
import numpy as np # import the numpy module
A numpy array is a lot like a list but with important differences:
- Elements must be of one homogenous type (ints, floats...).
- A slice returns a view rather than extract content.
- A numpy array cannot change size after creation (there is no append function).
- A numpy array cannot do a list comprehension.
Obviously, numpy arrays are less flexible things than lists.
But that is what allows them to use more effecient mathmatical routines.
2.1 Basics
Numpy arrays can be created from lists and can be multi-dimensional:
A = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) # one dimension
B = np.array([[3.4, 8.7, 9.9],
[1.1, -7.8, -0.7],
[4.1, 12.3, 4.8]]) # two dimensions
print('A is a', type(A),'and B is a', type(B)) # type
print('As data is',A.dtype,'Bs data is' , B.dtype) # data type
print('A dimensions:', A.ndim, 'B dimensions:',B.ndim) # dimensions
print('shape of A:',A.shape,'shape of B:',B.shape) # shape (1d: (columns,), 2d: (row,columns))
print('size of A:',A.size,'size of B:',B.size) # size
A is a <class 'numpy.ndarray'> and B is a <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
As data is int64 Bs data is float64
A dimensions: 1 B dimensions: 2
shape of A: (10,) shape of B: (3, 3)
size of A: 10 size of B: 9
Notice that the matrix B
was a bunch of stacked rows. Python is row major language.
Slicing a numpy array returns a view, which is a reference to the part of the array that was sliced out.
Remember the points about references in L02
A = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
V = A[2:6] # V is a reference to a slice of a A
# Make changes in V and note what happens in A
V[0] = 0; V[1] = 0
print('V =',V)
print('A =',A,'changed') # A has changed
# If C was a copy, A wouldn't have changed
C = A.copy()
C[0] = 99
print('A =',A, 'did not change')
V = [0 0 4 5]
A = [0 1 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 9] changed
A = [0 1 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 9] did not change
Numpy array can also be created using numpy functions:
print(np.linspace(0,1,6)) # linear spacing
Tip 1: Try pressing Shift+Tab inside a function.
Tip 2: Try to write ?np.linspace
in a cell
2.2 Math
Numpy arrays are designed for mathematical operations
Operations * + - / happen element-by-element between to ndarrays.
A = np.array([[1,0],[0,1]])
B = np.array([[2,2],[2,2]])
print('A+B\n',A+B,'\n') # Add 2 numpy arrays element-by-element
[[1 0]
[0 1]]
[[2 2]
[2 2]]
[[3 2]
[2 3]]
# More examples
print('A*B\n',A*B,'\n') # element-by-element product
print('A/B\n',A/B,'\n') # element-by-element division
print('A@B\n',A@B,'\n') # matrix product
- If arrays does not fit together broadcasting is applied.
- When broadcasting, numpy uses the dimensions that do fit (if possible).
- Simple case: multiplying a scalar (an array with 1 element) with a larger ndarray.
A = np.array([[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60]]) # shape = (2,3)
B = np.array([1, 2, 3]) # shape = (3,) = (1,3)
print('A\n',A, A.shape)
print('B\n',B, B.shape) # Notice the shape 'transformation' column vector!
print('\nMultiplication along columns')
[[10 20 30]
[40 50 60]] (2, 3)
[1 2 3] (3,)
Multiplication along columns
[[ 10 40 90]
[ 40 100 180]]
Another example. Note that B above did not have a 2nd dimension.
C has explicitely 2 rows and 1 columun when created as such.
C = np.array([[1],[2]])
print(C, C.shape, '\n')
print(A*C,'\n') # every column is multiplied by C
[2]] (2, 1)
[[ 10 20 30]
[ 80 100 120]]
If you want to e.g. add arrays where broadcasting is not possible consider np.newaxis
A = np.array([1, 2, 3]) # Is only 1D, shape = (3,)
B = np.array([1,2]) # Is only 1D, shape = (2,)
# You cannot broadcast B on A, because neither have 2 dimensions.
# Therefore, use newaxis
print(A[:,np.newaxis], A[:,np.newaxis].shape, '\n') # Is now (3,1)
print(B[np.newaxis,:], B[np.newaxis,:].shape, '\n') # Is now (1,2)
print(A[:,np.newaxis]*B[np.newaxis,:], '\n') # A is column vector, B is row vector
print(A[np.newaxis,:]*B[:,np.newaxis]) # A is row vector, B is column vector
More on broadcasting: Documentation.
A lot of mathematical procedures can easily be performed on numpy arrays.
A = np.array([3.1, 2.3, 9.1, -2.5, 12.1])
print(np.min(A)) # find minimum
print(np.argmin(A)) # find index for minimum
print(np.mean(A)) # calculate mean
print(np.sort(A)) # sort (ascending)
Note: Sometimes a method can be used instead of a function, e.g. A.mean()
. Personally, I typically stick to functions because that always works.
2.3 Indexing
Multi-dimensional indexing is done as:
X = np.array([ [11, 12, 13], [21, 22, 23] ])
print('\nX[0]\n',X[0]) # first row, all columns - you can't do the same for one column and all rows
print('\nX[1,2]\n',X[1,2]) # second row, third column
print('\nX[0:2,1:3]\n',X[0:2,1:3]) # first row, first column
[[11 12 13]
[21 22 23]]
[11 12 13]
[[12 13]
[22 23]]
Indexes can be logical. Logical 'and' is &
and logical 'or' is |
A = np.array([1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4])
B = np.array([3,3,3,3,2,3,2,2])
I = (A < 3) & (B == 3) # note & instead of 'and'
# Two ways of getting indices of the elements == True
print(np.where(I)) # A 'where' clause normally asks for where the True elements are.
print(I.nonzero()) # Because a True boolean is a 1 while a False is a 0.
I = (A < 3) | (B == 3) # note | instead of 'or'
2.4 List of good things to know
Attributes and methods to know:
- size / ndim / shape
- ravel / reshape / sort
- copy
Functions to know:
- array / empty / zeros / ones / linspace
- mean / median / std / var / sum / percentile
- min/max, argmin/argmax / fmin / fmax / sort / clip
- meshgrid / hstack / vstack / concatenate / tile / insert
- allclose / isnan / isinf / isfinite / any / all
Concepts to know:
- view vs. copy
- broadcasting
- logical indexing
Quizz: Follow this link to take a quizz on numpy arrays.
Additional question: Consider the following code:
A = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
B = A[3:]
B[:] = 0
What is np.sum(A)
equal to?
- A: 15
- B: 10
- C: 6
- D: 0
- E: Don't know
2.5 Extra: Memory
Recall that matrices in memory is structured in rows (as opposed to columns). You can see how B (the unravelled version of A) looks - it's a row..
A = np.array([[3.1,4.2],[5.7,9.3]])
B = A.ravel() # one-dimensional view of A
Defining the utility function we saw above
def u_func(x1,x2,alpha=0.50):
return x1**alpha * x2**(1-alpha)
and x2
are positional arguments.alpha
is a keyword argument with default value 0.50
3.1 Print to screen
Print a single evaluation of the utility function.
f'some text'
is called a "formatted string"{x1:.3f}
prints variable x1 as floating point number with 3 decimals
x1 = 1
x2 = 3
u = u_func(x1,x2)
print(f'x1 = {x1:.3f}, x2 = {x2:.3f} -> u = {u:.3f}')
x1 = 1.000, x2 = 3.000 -> u = 1.732
Print multiple evaluations of the utility function.
x1_list = [2,4,6,8]
x2 = 3
for x1 in x1_list: # loop through each element in x1_list
u = u_func(x1,x2,alpha=0.25)
print(f'x1 = {x1:.3f}, x2 = {x2:.3f} -> u = {u:.3f}')
x1 = 2.000, x2 = 3.000 -> u = 2.711
x1 = 4.000, x2 = 3.000 -> u = 3.224
x1 = 6.000, x2 = 3.000 -> u = 3.568
x1 = 8.000, x2 = 3.000 -> u = 3.834
We can do this in a nicer way:
for i,x1 in enumerate(x1_list): # i is a counter
u = u_func(x1,x2,alpha=0.25)
print(f'{i:1d}: x1 = {x1:<3d} x2 = {x2:<2d} -> u = {u:<6.3f}')
# {i:2d}: integer a width of 2 (right-aligned)
# {x1:<3d}: integer a width of 2 (<, left-aligned)
# {u:<6.3f}: float width of 6 and 3 decimals (<, left-aligned)
0: x1 = 2 x2 = 3 -> u = 2.711
1: x1 = 4 x2 = 3 -> u = 3.224
2: x1 = 6 x2 = 3 -> u = 3.568
3: x1 = 8 x2 = 3 -> u = 3.834
Checkout this guide and this guide for more info on output formatting.
Task: Write a loop printing the results shown in the answer below.
# write your code here
0: u(2.00,3.00) = 2.7108 1: u(4.00,3.00) = 3.2237 2: u(6.00,3.00) = 3.5676 3: u(8.00,3.00) = 3.8337
3.2 Printing outputs to a file
Imagine you wanted to store outputs from your model in order to put it into a paper. Then you want it in a file..
- Create a text-file using the
operator. - Write to the file in a loop using the reference variable
with open('somefile.txt', 'w') as file_ref: # 'w' is for 'write'
for i, x1 in enumerate(x1_list):
# Calculate utility at loop iteration
u = u_func(x1,x2,alpha=0.25)
# Create a formatted line of text
text_line=f'{i+10:2d}: x1 = {x1:<6.3f} x2 = {x2:<6.3f} -> u = {u:<6.3f}'
# Write the line of tex to the file using the
file_ref.write(text_line + '\n') # \n gives a lineshift
# note: the with clause ensures that the file is properly closed afterwards
You can also read from a file in the same manner, just using r
instead of w
Open a text-file and read the lines in it and then print them:
with open('somefile.txt', 'r') as file_ref: # 'r' is for 'read'
# Loading ALL file content into the object lines
lines = file_ref.readlines()
# Printing each loaded line by loop
for line in lines:
print(line,end='') # end='' removes the extra lineshift print creates
Note: You could also write tables in LaTeX format and the import them in your LaTeX document.
Question: was the loop inside the with
operator strictly necessary?
3.3 Calculate the utility function on a grid
In order to describe the shape of our utility function, we need to numerically evaluate it on a set of points.
Thus, we calculate the utility function on a 2-dimensional grid (x1
and x2
) with elements in each dimension:
# a. settings
N = 100 # number of elements
x_max = 10 # maximum value
# b. allocate 2d numpy arrays for x1 and x2
shape_tuple = (N,N)
x1_values = np.empty(shape_tuple) # allocate 2d numpy array with shape=(N,N)
x2_values = np.empty(shape_tuple)
u_values = np.empty(shape_tuple)
# c. fill numpy arrays using a nested loop
for i in range(N): # 0,1,...,N-1
for j in range(N): # 0,1,...,N-1
x1_values[i,j] = (i/(N-1))*x_max # in [0,x_max]
x2_values[i,j] = (j/(N-1))*x_max # in [0,x_max]
u_values[i,j] = u_func(x1_values[i,j],x2_values[i,j],alpha=0.25)
Note: x1_values and x2_values are both 2d.
This is not strictly necessary in the present case. 1d arrays would suffice below in the nested loop and filling out of u_values.
However, it makes them isomorphic with the mesh grids used for countour plots, which often need 2d mesh grids.
Alternatively: Use the corresponding numpy function to create your grid:
# a. Create numbers distributed evenly between 0 and x_max
x_vec = np.linspace(0,x_max,N)
# b. Create meshgrids similar to x1_values and x2_values above
x1_mesh,x2_mesh = np.meshgrid(x_vec,x_vec,indexing='ij')
print('Dimension of grid over x1 (same as x2): ', x1_mesh.shape) # Note that the grid is 2d. u_func needs 2d to calculate element by element.
u_values_mesh = u_func(x1_mesh, x2_mesh, alpha=0.25)
Dimension of grid over x1 (same as x2): (100, 100)
- How could
evaluate utility on x1_mesh and x2_mesh? - Because numpy does everything element-by-element.
- Do you see why we needed a mesh grid instead of
x1_values = x_vec
Mesh grids are a little tricky to understand, but important for creating surface plots. You can read more at:
GeeksforGeeks, stack overflow and the numpy doc
Test whether the results are the same:
# a. maximum absolute difference
max_abs_diff = np.max(np.abs(u_values-u_values_mesh))
print(max_abs_diff) # very close to zero
# b. test if all values are "close"
Note: The results are not exactly the same due to floating point arithmetics.
3.4 Plot the utility function
Import modules and state that the figures should be inlined:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # baseline module
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # for 3d figures
plt.style.use('seaborn-whitegrid') # whitegrid nice with 3d
Constructing a plot-object in matplotlib
1. fig
is the figure object. It's the main "canvas" you are adding elements to.
2. ax
is a reference to a specific subplot on the canvas (only one here)
3. Use the ax
reference to put a diagram into the empty subplot
fig = plt.figure() # create the figure
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection='3d') # create a 3d type axis
ax.plot_surface(x1_values,x2_values,u_values); # create surface plot in the axis
# note: fig.add_subplot(a,b,c) creates the c'th subplot in a grid of a times b plots
You can make the figure zoomable and panable using a widget:
%matplotlib widget
fig = plt.figure() # create the figure
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection='3d') # create a 3d axis in the figure
ax.plot_surface(x1_values,x2_values,u_values); # create surface plot in the axis
To restore normal plotting, turn on inline
%matplotlib inline
Making it pretty: Use a colormap and set labels.
from matplotlib import cm # for colormaps
# a. actual plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection='3d')
# b. add labels
ax.set_xlabel('$x_1$') # Notice latex syntax
# c. invert xaxis to bring Origin in center front
Saving your figure is easy:
fig.savefig('someplot.pdf') # or e.g. .png
More formatting options? See these examples.
Quizz: follow this link to take a quizz on 3d plotting.
Task: Construct the following plot:
# write your code here
# a. actual plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection='3d')
# b. add labels
# c. invert xaxis
# e. save
3.5 Summary
We have talked about:
- Print (to screen and file)
- Figures (matplotlib)
Remember the problem we wanted to solve:
Idea: Loop through a grid of hypothetical solutions.
This is the same as solving:
Where we used the budget constraint to create the grids and
In the module grid_solve.py, we have functions doing that.
We must import those functions before using them in the notebook.
First 2 lines ensures that we automatically load changes to any file while editing (aalways add this).
Next we load all functions from grid_solve
means get all in general)
# Ensures automatic reloading of module
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from grid_solve import * # Import all functions from module
Go to grid_solve
and inspect the function find_best_choice
. It implements the algo above.
# Call function and see output
sol = find_best_choice(alpha=0.25,I=10,p1=1,p2=2,N1=500,N2=400,do_print=True)
# See printed result below
x1 = 2.5050
x2 = 3.7469
u = 3.3881
I-p1*x1-p2*x2 = 0.00125564
Plot the solution:
# %matplotlib widget
# a. unpack solution
x1_best,x2_best,u_best,x1_values,x2_values,u_values = sol
# b. setup figure
fig = plt.figure(dpi=100,num='')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection='3d')
# c. plot 3d surface of utility values for different choices
# d. plot optimal choice
# %matplotlib inline
Quizz: take a quick quizz on plotting the simple loop.
Task: Can you find a better solution with higher utility and lower left-over income, ?
# write your code here
# sol = find_best_choice()
Hint: think of
Better idea: Loop through a grid of possible solutions for and assume the remainder is spent on .
This is the same as solving:
Function doing just this is find_best_choice_monotone
in grid_solve.py
# a. Calling the algo using monotonicity
sol_monotone = find_best_choice_monotone(alpha=0.25,I=10,p1=1,p2=2,N=1000)
# b. unpack solution
x1_best,x2_best,u_best,x1_values,x2_values,u_values = sol_monotone
x1 = 2.5025
x2 = 3.7487
u = 3.3885
I-p1*x1-p2*x2 = 0.00000000
Plot the solution:
# a. create the figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))# figsize is in inches...
# b. left plot
ax_left = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax_left.scatter(x1_best,u_best) # Add the solution as a dot
ax_left.set_title('value of choice, $u(x_1,x_2)$')
ax_left.set_ylabel('$u(x_1,(I-p_1 x_1)/p_2)$')
# c. right plot
ax_right = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
ax_right.set_title('implied $x_2$ as function of $x_1$')
plt.close(fig) # (Suppress print to fit slides)
#Show figures of solution
# Now we use the library scipy to do the heavy lifting
from scipy import optimize
Choose paramters for economic model:
alpha = 0.25 # preference parameter
I = 10 # income
p1 = 1 # price 1
p2 = 2 # price 2
Case 1: Scalar solver using monotonicity.
Note that we are calling a minimizer. Take negative of utility.
Recall that we if we spend everything on good one, we get .
# a. objective function (to minimize)
def value_of_choice(x1,alpha,I,p1,p2):
x2 = (I-p1*x1)/p2
return -u_func(x1,x2,alpha)
# b. call solver
sol_case1 = optimize.minimize_scalar(
args=(alpha,I,p1,p2)) # Notice the use of a tuple here
# c. unpack solution
x1 = sol_case1.x
x2 = (I-p1*x1)/p2
u = u_func(x1,x2,alpha)
x1 = 2.5000
x2 = 3.7500
u = 3.3885
I-p1*x1-p2*x2 = 0.00000000
Case 2: Multi-dimensional constrained solver, the SLSQP.
# a. objective function (to minimize)
def value_of_choice(x,alpha,I,p1,p2):
# note: x is a array, but u_func takes scalars.
return -u_func(x[0],x[1],alpha)
# b. constraints (violated if negative) and bounds. x is an array.
constraints = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: I-p1*x[0]-p2*x[1]})
bounds = ((0,I/p1),(0,I/p2))
# c. call solver, use SLSQP
initial_guess = [I/p1/2,I/p2/2]
sol_case2 = optimize.minimize(
value_of_choice, initial_guess, args=(alpha,I,p1,p2),
method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints)
# d. unpack solution
x1 = sol_case2.x[0]
x2 = sol_case2.x[1]
u = u_func(x1,x2,alpha)
x1 = 2.4994
x2 = 3.7503
u = 3.3885
I-p1*x1-p2*x2 = 0.00000000
Case 3: Multi-dimensional unconstrained solver with constrains implemented via penalties.
# a. objective function (to minimize)
def value_of_choice(x,alpha,I,p1,p2):
# i. unpack
x1 = x[0]
x2 = x[1]
# ii. penalty
penalty = 0
E = p1*x1+p2*x2 # total expenses
if E > I: # expenses > income -> not allowed
fac = I/E # fac < 1 if too high expenses
penalty += 1000*(E-I) # calculate penalty
x1 *= fac # force E = I
x2 *= fac # force E = I
return -u_func(x1,x2,alpha)
# b. call solver
initial_guess = [I/p1/2,I/p2/2]
sol_case3 = optimize.minimize(
# c. unpack solution
x1 = sol_case3.x[0]
x2 = sol_case3.x[1]
u = u_func(x1,x2,alpha)
x1 = 2.5857
x2 = 3.8786
u = 3.5047
I-p1*x1-p2*x2 = -0.34292214
Task: Find the error in the code in the previous cell.
# write your code here
# a. objective function (to minimize)
def value_of_choice(x,alpha,I,p1,p2):
# i. unpack
x1 = x[0]
x2 = x[1]
# ii. penalty
penalty = 0
E = p1*x1+p2*x2 # total expenses
if E > I: # expenses > income -> not allowed
fac = I/E
penalty += 1000*(E-I) # calculate penalty
x1 *= fac # force E = I
x2 *= fac # force E = I
return -u_func(x1,x2,alpha) + penalty # the error
# b. call solver
initial_guess = [I/p1/2,I/p2/2]
sol_case3 = optimize.minimize(
# c. unpack solution
x1 = sol_case3.x[0]
x2 = sol_case3.x[1]
u = u_func(x1,x2,alpha)
Remember that the indifference curve through the point is given by the set of points
To find the indifference curve:
- fix a grid for
- then find the corresponding which solves for each value of .
def objective(x1,x2,alpha,u):
return u_func(x1,x2,alpha) - u
# = 0 then on indifference curve with utility = u
def find_indifference_curve(y1,y2,alpha,N,x2_max):
# a. utility in (y1,y2)
u_y = u_func(y1,y2,alpha)
# b. allocate numpy arrays
x1_vec = np.empty(N)
x2_vec = np.linspace(1e-8,x2_max,N)
# c. loop through x2
for i,x2 in enumerate(x2_vec):
x1_guess = 0 # initial guess
sol = optimize.root(objective, x1_guess, args=(x2,alpha,u_y))
# optimize.root -> solve objective = 0 starting from x1 = x1_guess
x1_vec[i] = sol.x[0]
return x1_vec,x2_vec
Find and plot an inddifference curve:
# a. find indifference curve through (4,4) for x2 in [0,10]
x2_max = 10
x1_vec,x2_vec = find_indifference_curve(y1=4,y2=4,alpha=0.25,N=100,x2_max=x2_max)
# b. plot inddifference curve
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
Task: Find the indifference curve through and with .
# write your code here
x2_max = 20
x1_vec,x2_vec = find_indifference_curve(y1=15,y2=3,alpha=0.5,N=100,x2_max=x2_max)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
Note: This section is advanced due to the use of a module with a class. It is, however, a good example of how to structure code for solving and illustrating a model.
We will go into user written classes and objects later
Load module I have written (consumer_module.py in the same folder as this notebook).
from consumer_module import consumer
8.1 Jeppe
Give birth to a consumer called jeppe:
jeppe = consumer() # create an instance of the consumer class called jeppe
alpha = 0.500
price vector = (p1,p2) = (1.000,2.000)
income = I = 10.000
Solve jeppe's problem.
alpha = 0.500
price vector = (p1,p2) = (1.000,2.000)
income = I = 10.000
x1 = 5.00
x2 = 2.50
8.2 Mette
Create a new consumer, called Mette, and solve her problem.
mette = consumer(alpha=0.25)
alpha = 0.250
price vector = (p1,p2) = (1.000,2.000)
income = I = 10.000
x1 = 2.50
x2 = 3.75
Make an illustration of Mette's problem and it's solution:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
Advanced note: Looking at the code behind the consumer class, you'll notice the 'self' argument a lot. This argument links the functions in the class definition, which holds all the instructions for behavior, and the specific object. And exactly because 'self' is the first argument in class functions, one can actually call the general class and provide it with the object one wants to evaluate a function on.
# Example:
christian = consumer()
# Calling the consumer class function and providing the object christian :
print('call to consumer class: \n',christian)
# is the same as the call to the christian object directly
print('call to the object christian directly: \n',christian)
call to consumer class:
alpha = 0.500
price vector = (p1,p2) = (1.000,2.000)
income = I = 10.000
x1 = 5.00
x2 = 2.50
call to the object christian directly:
alpha = 0.500
price vector = (p1,p2) = (1.000,2.000)
income = I = 10.000
x1 = 5.00
x2 = 2.50
This lecture: We have talked about:
- Numpy (view vs. copy, indexing, broadcasting, functions, methods)
- Print (to screen and file)
- Figures (matplotlib)
- Optimization (using loops or scipy.optimize)
- Advanced: Consumer class
Most economic models contain optimizing agents solving a constrained optimization problem. The tools applied in this lecture is not specific to the consumer problem in anyway.
Your work: Before solving Problem Set 1 read through this notebook and play around with the code. To solve the problem set, you only need to modify the code used here slightly.
Next lecture: Random numbers and simulation.