Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Fundamentals: Primitives
Lecture 3 - Fundamentals: Optimize print and plot
Lecture 4 - Fundamentals: Random numbers and simulation
Lecture 5 - Fundamentals: Workflow and debugging
Lecture 6 - Fundamentals: Examples and overview
Lecture 7 - Working with data: Load save and structure data
Lecture 8 - Working with data: Basic data analysis
Lecture 9 - Algorithms: Searching and sorting
Lecture 10 - Algorithms: Solving equations
Lecture 11 - Algorithms: Numerical optimization
Lecture 12 - Further perspectives: Canonical Economic Models
Lecture 13 - Further perspectives: Agent Based Models
Lecture 14 - Further perspectives: The need for speed
Appendix A - Further perspectives: Other programming languages